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The question is often asked me, how to become a juggler. There is only one way, and one rule. It applies to everything else equally well, and that is: Whatever you make up your mind to do, stick to it until it is done. I have found it works very well.I generally practice several hours a day, particularly when I have a new trick to give. Pardon the word TRICK, as it scarcely expresses what I mean; for juggling, as you know, is distinct from conjuring. The one can be learned in a few days, at most a few months; whilst often a single act in juggling requires years of application and assiduous perseverance before it is perfect, and even then, it does not permit of a holiday. Ball juggling is the foundation of all; therefore practice diligently, and see that you keep yourself always fit and in good form, otherwise your show will be uncertain and unsuccessful. Balancing can only be acquired by finding the true center of gravity, and learning to keep it. In doing any act of this type, the eye must watch the extreme top of whatever you are performing with, otherwise you will be unable to retain the balance. Last, and most important of all - practice! practice! practice! PRACTICE! [1]
As if strength and skill were related and inextricable qualities, the juggling of heavy objects was in vogue at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century. A number of artists were then working in this style, which the French called "jongleurs de force." The Germans called them "Kraftjongleure." Severus Schäffer is believed to have done this type of act, and Herr Holtum was a popular "heavyweight" juggler of that time. But the most outstanding "heavies" were Paul Spadoni and Paul Conchas. Both men were imported from abroad, and this is what the press had to say about them:
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Paul Spadoni performs a new trick which consists of throwing a cannon [cannon is correct, not cannon ball] from a springboard which he works with his foot. Then he catches it upon his shoulders and back as it falls. Mr. Spadoni has been practicing this trick for months, and will show it for the first time in public during the opening week of Hammerstein's Roof Gardens, in this city. Mr. Spadoni has created a sensation in America during the season, and everywhere he has appeared his work has caused widespread comment. His strength, agility and grace have won his audience completely and his tour has been a series of ovations. He was imported to this country by Charles Bornhaupt, the well-known agent, who is to be congratulated on having brought over one of the biggest cards ever introduced to the United States.
The originator of many novel juggling feats as well as feats of strength, was brought to the United States last fall by Richard Pitrot, since which time he has been booked continuously. Upon his initial appearance in Boston he received a perfect whirlwind of praise from the press and public, no act in the same line ever having been accorded more pronounced or favorable recognition, and he at once jumped into public favor. That he has met with most remarkable success is evidenced by the fact that his time is fast filling for next season. [2]
As we continue to look behind the scenes around the turn of the century, we find that on October 14, 1900, Kara sailed for America with the Robert Fulgoras Vaudeville Company and, among other engagements, he is known to have appeared at the Orpheum Theater in Kansas City on January 12, 1902. Kara made another trip to the United States on December 16, 1909. At this time he sailed on the Kaiser Wilhelm II and did 25 weeks on the Morris Circuit, and 15 weeks for Alexander Pantages. His personal representative at this time was our old friend Richard Pitrot, who also managed Cinquevalli and Paul Conchas.
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Getting back to Cinquevalli, we note that the vast amount of publicity bestowed upon him was not enjoyed by other artists, though some of them certainly deserved it. Perhaps the reason is that Cinquevalli was not only a great juggler, but did not hesitate to "reward" a journalist who was willing to write a story about him. The following account attests to this:
Harry Daniels, who used to be on the Sunday staff of the Herald, but is now managing the Keith House in Cleveland, has been telling again the story of that pearl which Cinquevalli gave him in 1901 for "planting" a fine story in the Sunday Herald: - "I took the pin," he says, "and wore it occasionally, I knew it was a good pin, worth probably 25 dollars. But I had others. So I used to leave it sticking in hotel pin cushions and such. One day in Philadelphia I happened to read a newspaper story about pearls. It said a pearl of such a size was worth so much and so on."'Here Joe,' I said to my secretary, 'take this pin over to Bailey, Banks, and Biddle's and find out how much it's worth.' Joe came back after a while. 'They say this pin wasn't made in this country,' he said. 'Well, what's it worth?' 'They say they don't buy anything like it,' he said. 'Well, well. What's it worth?' I said. 'But if you want to put it up you ought to get $250 on it at any pawn shop,' he said. 'Great Scott! Give it here!' I said. Well, I wrapped it up in tissue paper and sent Joe out to buy a case to keep it in. I haven't worn it much since then, and nary a pin cushion do I stick it into. But I put it on yesterday and went over to the Hippodrome to call on Cinquevalli.
"I knocked on his dressing room door and he calls out, 'Come in.' I go in. He looked at me as much to say, 'What the deuce do you want?' I stand there like any dub, not saying a word, but just looking down on the pin. Then he looks at it too, and smiles and puts out his hand. 'I can't name your name, but I remember you all right,' he said. 'I'm the same fellow,' I said, 'and my name is still Daniels.'"[3]
As Cinquevalli's publicity continues, we read this in an old press clipping: "Paul Cinquevalli, the celebrated juggler, who is now on his tour around the world, is filling a successful engagement in Australia. Last season he played ten weeks consecutively at the Union Square Theater in New York, and subsequently the Orpheum Circuit. Richard Pitrot, his sole representative for America, is dealing with a prominent New York manager to have Cinquevalli at the head of a big production for an American tour for the season of 1904." And a critic, after seeing Cinquevalli perform in 1906, remarked, "The people stared in amazement at his tossing of light and heavy weights, his balancing of cumbersome objects and his display of other attainments that seemed marvelous, almost surpassing, in deed, the belief of one's eyes."
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In tracing the evolution of the juggling club, we find a print in the American History Illustrated magazine which shows a physical culture exponent selling his wares through the streets of New York City, apparently in the 1870s. The peddler's cart advertises dumbbells at 5 cents per pound, and Indian clubs as well. Some time after this, sporting goods shops began selling an "exhibition" club, for those more interested in swinging than exercise. These were the forerunners of the club specially made for jugglers as we know it today. Edward Van Wyck seems to have been the first to make these clubs, but quite possibly someone preceded Van Wyck.
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The following program from around this time was picked at random. It's from the Walter Johnson scrapbook and, though most of these acts are forgotten today, the program is of some interest. We note that comic opera singer Mabel Berra appears some five years later at the Palace. Yes, at the famed New York's Palace, in an operetta called The Eternal Waltz. It was the very first show at the Palace in 1913. More about the Palace later.
Bayonne, New Jersey
Edward F. Kendall, managerWeek commencing Monday, June 8, 1908.
Matinee 2:15 - Evening 8:15PROGRAM
OVERTURE - Louis A. LesureJUSTO - Comedy Juggler
Singing and DancingTHE HARRINGTONS - Comedy Ring Act
The Famous Comic Opera StarDICKEY DeLARO AND COMPANY
Comedy Sketch "The Masqueraders"WALTER JOHNSON
Character ImpersonationsEARL WHITE
Singing Sketch