Andrew Britten

May 20, 1970 - March 26, 1994

I dearly regret having to announce that we have lost another friend and talented juggler. This past Saturday, Andrew Britten ended his life at the age of 23.

I met Andrew seven years ago, and I am proud to have coached him as he prepared for the juniors competition in Akron in 1987. I spent many hours watching him juggle and practice and run through his routine. And though at that time I had never seen him perform in a live show, I looked forward to it eagerly.

He was an enormously talented and creative juggler, and was the clear favorite to win. The other competitors had essentially conceded first place to him. But participating in that event was apparently too much for Andrew, and a few hours before it began, he left town without notice, and did not compete.

I next saw him a few years later at a party, at which he explained briefly why he had dropped out. He indicated that he had now gotten himself together and was doing quite well. He was looking forward to leaving for Europe where he was headed to travel and perform. I wished him well, and told him that I was still looking forward to seeing him perform when he returned.

This past October I had heard that he was back. It was hard to track him down, but I was finally able to reach him by phone. I was producing the public show at the Lodi Juggling Festival the following week, and very much wanted him to be in the show, since I knew he was very good, and not many people had ever seen him juggle before, or even knew who he was. But it just didn't work out. He needed to find an apartment, and had other things to do, and just couldn't get to the festival this time. But he promised that next time he'd be there.

I've been trying to find him again for the last few weeks. I was again asked to produce the public show at the Isla Vista Juggling Festival, and had placed Andrew high on my list of performers I wanted to be in the show. But again I didn't know how to reach him, although I thought I still had time to ask some friends of his how to get in touch with him.

But this afternoon, my answering machine had an unexpected message on it, and one that took me several seconds to fully comprehend. Andrew Britten had taken his life. There will be a memorial service on Wednesday. As with the competition seven years ago, apparently now even life was too much for Andrew. And I've still never seen him perform in a live show.

The show in Isla Vista will go on, and will have many of the best performers around. I hope many of you can attend. I am dedicating this show to Andrew Britten.

Barry Bakalor
March 28, 1994

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