Juggling Help
from the Juggling Information Service
These are the major topics covered in the Help Pages. Highlights are
listed in italics. The Table of Contents lists
every page in the help section.
How to Juggle: instructions
for beginners learning to juggle three balls-
Ball Juggling: juggling 2, 3, and
4 balls; juggling one-handed; bouncing; showering, movies-
Club Juggling: buying and caring
for clubs; juggling 3, 4, and 5 clubs; tricks; movies-
Ring Juggling: getting started;
buying and caring for rings; tricks-
Torch Juggling: complete
care-and-feeding information; fuels; danger warnings-
Other Juggling Props: knives;
shaker cups; ultra-violet props; rola-bola; etc.-
Passing: etiquette; tricks;
patterns; movies-
Multiplexing: basics; tricks;
clubs; siteswaps-
Numbers Juggling: juggling 5, 6,
7, and more; movies-
Siteswap Notation: FAQ page;
examples; tests-
Other Circus Arts: unicycles;
diabolos; devil sticks; bull whips; and much more-
Reference: FAQ lists; links to the
most popular help pages; glossaries of terms and people-
Essays & Commentary: long,
intelligent posts on juggling, warming up, busking, etc.-
Miscellaneous: fog machines; poetry;
robots; everything else-
Administrivia: submission guidlines;
credits; record of changes-
If you can't find what you're looking for, try the
extended Table of Contents,
which lists every page in the Help section, or use the
search engine to look for pages
in the JIS or the rec.juggling archives.
If you have questions about juggling that aren't
answered in these pages, try your
local juggling club or the
rec.juggling newsgroup. Please do not send your juggling
questions to the Help Pages editor.
Mail your comments and suggestions about these pages to the editor, at
Before contacting the editor, please read the
Submissions are always welcome; see the
guidelines for more information.
The JIS Help Pages are maintained and edited by
None of this would be possible
without the help of the dozens of contributors
from all over the planet. Remember, these pages are a community resource:
share them freely and always give credit where credit is due.
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