Yo-yo Info
Some basic information-
the American Yo-Yo Association's official page-
Exotic Yo-Yo:
Tomer Moscovich's Yo-Yo pages-
Cosmic's Yo-Yo Page:
contains an extensive
list of tricks,
with descriptions-
Just Say Yo-Yo:
a large extensive page with a nice catalog-
Infinite Illusions How To Yo-Yo Page:
a nice descriptive catalog with a fantastic Yo-Yo collection-
Jon's Yo-Yo Page:
good beginner tricks, and lots of Yo-Yo links. Updated often-
Playmaxx Inc.:
nice for starters, some good information-
The Island of YO-topia:
photos, FAQ's, clubs, event information-
David's Secrets of Yo-Yo:
some Yo-Yo info-
Dave's Wonderful World of
Yo-Yos: Resources for yo-yo collectors and enthusiasts.-
The Princeton Yo-Yo Club:
some entertaining info-
GSLIS Yo-Yo Club:
a club at the University of Illinois-
Collector's Display Case Co.:
makers of assorted display cases, including one especially for yo-yos.-
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