Regarding the basic multiplex pass, here are some pointers which may help:
Some enhancements:
Do everything the same, grip and all, but throw them as a chop.
Steven M. Salberg said: For my multiplex chops to work correctly, I have to *reverse* the grip (the right side club should be behind) from the normal underhand.
As far as I know there are two common ways to throw multiplex chops. The difference in the two is the hand position. This, of course determines which grip youshould use.
Method 1: The hand is held up with the thrower's palm facing the
Method 2: The hand is held with the palm facing the thrower. This is
like a backhand throw.
I prefer method 1, but it is also cool to alternate the two, throwing the backhand multiplex from across your body (i.e. above the LEFT shoulder).
Martin E. Frost, with regard to method 2 above:
Precisely. Didn't I explain this in my Juggler's Workshop article in Juggler's World (vol. 44, no 4 :-)? Oh, well, sorry, that's right, Steve doesn't read the magazine, which said:
For underhand throws (like the single) and for backhand throws, put the second club's handle under the first club (see Fig. 1). This is the underneath grip.
For overhand throws (like the chop), put the second club's handle over the first club (Fig. 2), and then turn your hand around so your palm faces your partner (Fig. 3). This is the top grip.
The rule for both grips is that the palm should be on the same side of the clubs as the left club's handle when you're in position to make the throw from your right hand.
Guess you'll have to find the magazine to see the figures. On the JIS someday.
Try placing one club well ahead of the other, and pass them, one will be a double spin, and the other will be caught one step later as a triple spin to the other hand. This also works with singles & doubles.
If you going to bother doing this, try the 3 club multiplex as follows, (2 count pattern) first throw a l-L crossing double now stack 2 clubs as before and catch the 3rd club and stuff it under the other 2. catch the next inconing club and "hoy" the "stack" at your partner as 2 doubles and a triple. Much like the falshy 3 club start on your own. Ive tried this for hours and its worked once and nearly worked 1200000 times. Its not easy but it is fun and i intend to crack it.
(you dont need the first double (l-L) but it gives you extra time in the set up)