Last month we promised to get into action on the idea of a monthly sheet of news and ideas. The following paragraphs are the result. As the idea expands, we'll expand the Bulletin - the sky's the limit - so send in your ideas, pictures and problems.
The mention of problems, brings to mind that we have had several requests for a routine with Devil Sticks ... in fact, we'd like to know more about them ourselves. We bought a set from Van Wyck many years ago and fiddled around with them but never went very far in the way of a routine with them. Come to think about it, we've never seen a printed article on their manipulation. If you have one you'd care share with the rest of us, drop a line and tell us about it. we'll write it up in the next Bulletin.
Speaking of other problems, Joe Fleckenstein of Pittsburgh, Pa., sends us this one, which appeared in the April 1944 issue of "The Linking Ring" --
Can you tell me?
"A pair of Sepia Jugglers entertained amusinglyThe foregoing excerpt was taken from a Pittsburgh newspaper. it appeared In a column which reviewed the acts appearing In the various local theatres. To one who has enjoyed jugglers and juggling for many years, for one who has traveled many miles to see a juggler, for one who Is a nut about juggling, the line above has caused quite a bit of thought. After thinking about W. C. Fields, Fred Allen, Serge Flash, Bobby May, Boy Foy, Mel Otey, The Bamfields, Harry LaTol, Three Swifts, Ben Berl, Stan Kavanaugh, The Elgins, Moran and Wiser, The Juggling Jewels (formerly Carlton Sisters), Johnny Ray, Art Jennings, Monroe and Adams, Belmont Brothers, Bobby Jule, Bob DuPont, Wilfred DuBois, The New Yorkers, Lon Rogers, Billie Burke, Pryde and Dell , Bobby Ray and many, many more whose names I cannot remember off-hand, I don't believe I have ever seen a colored juggler.
Have you? ..... Joe Fleckenstein.
If you have ever seen such a phenomena or remember reading about a colored juggler drop a line and solve Joe's problem.
Answering our request for photos, ad copy and bills, we have received photos from Doug and LoIa Couden and Buddy HelIer. Billing from Tracy Andrews and Laddie Lamont. Send yours on in. As soon as we get enough together we'll print them up so you can have a copy for your collection.
Speaking of photos. Juggler Charles Carrer's portrait adorns the cover of the April 1944 issue of "The Linking Ring". Bob Blau of Houston, Texas, appears in the Texas Convention pictures in the October issue of the same magazine.
Looking through the September issue of "Billboard" we find - Bob Dupont appeared at the Stanley Theatre in Pittsburgh - Jimmy Savo presented juggling (in panto- mine) at Cate Society Uptown in New York - Lew Fields at Tic Toc, Milwaukee - The Elgins, hat exchanging and Indian Clubbing at Leon and Eddie's, New York - Wilfred DuBois skedded for a date at Chattanooga, - Val Setz at the Orpheum, Los Angeles doing among other juggling the four silver dollars from the foot to forehead, chin and eyes. So there's plenty of juggling going on.
Each year at Abbott's Annual Magic Get-Togeth r at Colon ,Michigan, several JuggIers may be found This year, Abbott's 11th Get-Together was no exception. We had fully intended to make this affair this year, but last minute rush of war contracts nipped the idea in the bud. So our information and news comes second- hand. Harry Otto appeared on the Friday night show repeating his last year's hits - his human biIiard table and devil Stick stunts. Virgil, the magical iuggler appeared on the Night-Before Show. A Special Juggler's session was held this year, staged by Fred Merrill of the Abbott Statf, a former Vaude juggler. Others in attendance were Harry Otto, George DeMott, Reggie Lawrence and Dick Williams.
Doug Couden, formerly of Pasadena, California and other points on the West Coast is now enroute to Texas and Oklahoma playing schools. Doug is one of our best correspondents and is a real jugglin enthusiast. If he's down your way drop in and say hello. Last letter from Doug was sent from Glendale, Arizona.
That about winds up the news we've gathered for this month. Let us hear from you with anything that might be of interest to Jugglers.
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authorized, B-10-79