Juggler's World

Juggler's World is published quarterly by the International Juggler's Association, Inc., to communicate with its members and as a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on juggling.

You may search for desired words and phrases from the entire Juggler's World archive, or other sections of the Juggling Information Service.

Available Issues

JW Complete, including pictures
TX Complete, Text Only
UC Under Construction

                    Spring   Summer    Fall    Winter
                      #1       #2       #3       #4
Vol. 38 - 1986        JW        JW        JW        JW
Vol. 39 - 1987        TX        TX        TX        JW
Vol. 40 - 1988        UC        UC        UC        UC
Vol. 41 - 1989        UC        UC        UC        UC
Vol. 42 - 1990        TX        TX        TX        TX
Vol. 43 - 1991        TX        TX        TX        TX
vol. 44 - 1992        UC        UC        UC        UC
Vol. 45 - 1993        UC        UC        UC        UC
Vol. 46 - 1994        UC        UC        UC        UC
Vol. 47 - 1995        UC        UC        UC        UC

Not Yet Available

Online Magazine Issues

We will soon have available in full hypertext 36 issues of Juggler's World published from 1986 through 1994, replacing the 4 plain text issues formerly available. The JIS is grateful to the International Jugglers Association and Bill Giduz, Editor of Juggler's World, for making these available.

It is my hope that those issues prior to 1986 may become available eventually, and that newer issues will be included on a regular basis. Anyone interested in helping to make this archive a reality should send e-mail to jis@juggling.org.

These have been converted to hypertext from the original magazines through a variety of methods, not all of which preserved the original exactly. In some cases, material may be missing, or extra material may be found. Bill Giduz, bigiduz@davidson.edu, deserves much praise for the quality of this magazine during his long service. The JIS is responsible for all errors caused by the translation.

Thanks to Seth Golub, seth@cs.wustl.edu, who helped create the ASCII to HTML tools that were used, and to Derek Bosch, bosch@sgi.com, who helped extract the documents from floppy disks provided by Bill. Special thanks go to Jim Swenson, swensonj@netcom.com, who did the conversion to HTML for all of the 1990-1991 issues.

All of these issues are the property of the International Juggler's Association, which maintains the copyright on them. For information on reprinting any of this information, please contact Bill Giduz.

© International Juggler's Association, Inc., 1986-1995. All rights reserved.

Juggler's World subscription is one of the benefits of IJA membership. The cost of a new membership is $30 (U.S.), $35 (elsewhere). Price for non-members is $8 per copy. Extra copies and back issues are also available. Write to:

Richard Dingman, secretary/treasurer
Box 218
Montague, MA 01351

Address editorial material to:

Bill Giduz, editor
Box 443
Davidson, NC 28036
E-mail: bigiduz@davidson.edu

Juggler's World Archive / Juggling Information Service / jis@juggling.org
© 1996 Juggling Information Service. All Rights Reserved.