Juggler's World: Vol. 39, No. 1

Classified Ads

BOOMERANGS. Great Fun! Easy! Indoor and outdoor models for juggling. Ben Ruhe, 202-234-9208, Box 21182-J, Washington, D.C. 20009.

CREATIVE PEOPLE make "Juggler's World" work. We need your help as photographers, writers or simply tipsters. Let us know what's going on in the juggling world! Write Box 443, Davidson, NC 28036. Call 704-892-1296 (evenings).

The rate for classifieds is 30 cents per word with a $6 minimum. Send your ad and payment to: Bruce Fife, ad manager, Box 1564, Bellaire, TX 77401.

Classified Ads / Index, Vol. 39, No. 1 / jis@juggling.org
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