Missouri Juggling Clubs
- Kansas City (+39.122,-094.552) maps
I Think I'll Pass (A Juggling Club). Sunday, 2-5 PM. Location varies.
Mark Killingsworth, 913-631-4973, 6532 Switzer Lane, Shawnee, KS 66203; or
Larry MacDonald, 816-796-8482, 20001 E. 14th North, Independence, MO 64056.
- Columbia (+38.9458,-092.3275) maps
The Y's Jugglers. Tuesday, 7-9 PM.
Memorial Union, University of Missouri campus.
Y's Jugglers, 314-882-1550, A022 Brady Commons, Columbia, MO 65211.
Gus Mueller, 314-443-0540, e-mail
1029 Ashland Road, Apt. 1302, Columbia, MO 65201.
- St. Louis (+38.6845,-090.4581) maps
St. Louis Juggling Club.
Monday, 7:30-9:30 PM. Hope Presbyterian Church, 1443 Ross Avenue,
St. Louis, MO 63146. Joe Welling, 314-776-5333,
2111 Alfred Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110; or Bill Thayer, 314-821-5299,
e-mail thayer@stl-online.net,
511 Goethe Ave., Kirkwood, MO 63122.
- St. Louis (+38.5685,-090.4205) maps
St. Louis Community College Juggling Club - The MAJOR.
Thursday, 12-1 PM. In the quad by the Student Center,
Meramec Community College. Bill Thayer, 314-821-5299,
e-mail thayer@stl-online.net,
511 Goethe Ave., Kirkwood, MO 63122.
- Rolla (+37.9519,-091.7771) maps
UMR Juggling Club.
Poor weather, Tuesday, 9:30 PM, Miner Recreation Building,
E. 10th Street at Highway 63. Good weather, Wednesday, 3:30 PM,
The Puck in the center of campus maps for (+37.9535,-091.7734).
E-mail juggle@umr.edu.
Jeff Hansen, 573-364-4947, e-mail
jhansen@umr.edu; or Brett Dooley,
573-364-4841, e-mail doole@umr.edu,
P.O. Box 667, Rolla, Mo 65402.
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