Updating Juggling Club Meetings

Please send all updates to meetings@juggling.org.

Please send information on new clubs or updates for listed clubs so that these lists can be as complete and correct as possible. Even if your club doesn't meet regularly, or your information is not complete, send whatever you have. Whether you regularly attend a juggling club, or visit one for the first time, please check the listed information and send any corrections, and fill in any missing information.

To simplify the collection of information, we would like to include at least one e-mail address as a contact at each club. This can be anyone in the club, not necessarily someone in charge. If your club's organizers are not on the net, please offer to act as the e-mail contact for them.

The information we would like to have is listed below.

Where your club considers itself from, even if the meetings actually occur outside the town's borders.

Club Name
This is optional, but most clubs are given a name, usually using the town or university where it meets.

Meeting Time
Don't forget to provide the days and hours of meetings, and any seasonal factors that may apply.

Meeting Place
And let us know where the meetings generally occur.

Club URL and E-mail
If your club has a home page, or its own e-mail address, please include them.

Contact People
There should be at least one contact person listed who can provide additional information. It is best to include 2 or 3 people. There should be at least one local phone number, one snail-mail address, and one e-mail address listed for each club. These don't all have to be for the same person.

The latitude and longitude of the club's primary meeting place. If you don't know, just leave it blank. But if possible, be as accurate as you can, as this data will be used to construct street maps showing the precise location of your meeting. Use either (ddd.dddd, ddd.dddd) or (dd mm ss, dd mm ss) formats.

Are there any fees for attending? Anything else important to know. You don't need to say things like everyone is welcome. We assume that.

Updating Juggling Club Meetings / Juggling Information Service / meetings@juggling.org
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