Guests Wanted

Benny Rubin, Nell Breen, Louise Carver, Bud Jamison, Billy Franey

released: 1932 Jan 11   duration: 0:19:01

Benny Rubin is a New York City vaudeville performer who inherits a hotel in California, and takes all of his ham-actor friends there, as chefs, bellhops, maids and waiters, to help him run it. Business is bad so Benny plants a story that his late uncle hid his fortune in the hotel. The place is soon filled with guests who tear down the hotel looking for the non-existent fortune.

At 01:36, a guest in the boarding house comes down the stairs to go to dinner while juggling 3 balls, all lasting 8 seconds.

At 05:46, someone is spinning a plate on a stick for 8 seconds.

At 13:35, a restaurant waiter juggles 4 plates for 4 seconds.

The entire movie may be seen here.

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