Gussle's Day of Rest

Syd Chaplin, Phyllis Allen, Cecile Arnold, Slim Summerville

released: 1915 Mar 29   duration: 0:20:53

Mr. and Mrs. Gussle are taking a day outing together at a park. Henpecked Mr. Gussle just wants to go somewhere quiet and have a drink, but Mrs. Gussle will have none of that. Instead they get into one misadventure after another at the park, including with a newspaper boy, with a couple in a motor car, and with a monkey at the zoo. But their encounter with a young picnicking couple could cause the biggest problem, as Mr. Gussle is attracted to the woman and would rather spend the day with her than with his wife.

At 13:38, Syd Chaplin (Charlie's brother), playing Mr. Gussle, juggles 3 apples for 1 second and finishes by catching one of them on a fork held in his mouth.

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