
Strider Productions, Bob Crossley, Kim Hoeg; hosts Shields and Yarnell

released: 1984          duration: 1:00:00

This documentary features a wide variety of jugglers and juggling.

This 49 minute documentary hosted by Robert Shields and Lorene Yarnell featured Enrico Rastelli, Bobby May, Homer Stack, Francis Brunn, Lottie Brunn, W.C. Fields, Robert Nelson, Dick Franco, Anthony Gatto, Ray Jason, The Pickle Family Circus, Barrett Felker, The Flying Karamazov Brothers, Peter Davison, and Kezia Tenenbaum.

Also included were Fred Anderson, Craig Barnes, Charlie Brown, Gary Calder, Mark Chesebrough, Marty Coffey, Wheeler Cole, Dave Finnigan, Larry Forsberg, Mike Goudeau, Jerry Graham, David Gregory, Have Balls Will Travel, Allan Jacobs, Todd Kermit, Lee Letchworth, Robert Lind, John Luker, Benji Marantz, Mark McMahon, Frank Militello, Shawn O'Keefe, Andrew Potter, James Schmid, Dale Schuck, Gale Schuck, Kit Trueblood, Ned Van Alstyne, Jeff Walker, and Eastman Webber.

00:46 introduction
03:56 history of juggling
05:19 Enrico Rastelli, footage
05:48 Bobby May, ball juggling
06:16 vaudeville, Homer Stack
07:15 Francis Brunn, balancing and juggling
08:04 Lottie Brunn
08:47 W.C. Fields, comedy juggling
10:27 Robert Nelson, The Butterfly Man, street performing
14:56 Bobby May, ball juggling
15:55 Dick Franco & Bobby May, ball juggling
17:50 Dick Franco, ping pong balls
18:51 Anthony Gatto, age 9
20:28 recreational jugglers
22:21 Chinese jugglers, diabolo, plate spinning, foot juggling
24:04 jugglers from Tonga, women showering up to 7 balls
28:08 San Francisco street juggling acts
31:50 Shields and Yarnell, street mime, 1970s and 1980s
33:15 Ray Jason, street juggler
34:52 Pickle Family Circus, comedy club passing
37:15 Barrett Felker, ring juggling, Harlem Globetrotters
37:57 Flying Karamazov Brothers, club passing, percussion
40:36 Peter Davison and Kezia Tenenbaum, club juggling and passing
42:56 recreational jugglers
48:17 credits

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