Katharine Hepburn, Paul Henreid, Oskar Homolka, Yul Brynner
released: 1969 Oct 12 |
duration: 2:11:52 |
Film adaptation of the stage comedy. Nice, eccentric, idealistic and
slightly mad Countess Aurelia, who believes that the good must prevail
over evil, decides to stand up to corrupt powerful leaders of Paris by
putting them on trial with 'unwashed masses' as the jury.
At 24:08, Gaston Palmer
juggles 3 balls
in the background at an outdoor
cafe in Paris. He is seen in 6 shots over a 90 second period.
At 40:26, Palmer
juggles 3 balls
for Katherine Hepburn at another table in
the same Paris cafe in 3 shots over 30 seconds. At one point he tosses
a ball to Hepburn and she tosses it back for him to continue juggling.
They do this several times.
Gaston Palmer filmed his scenes in 1968, at age 82, and died shortly
after that, 9 months before this movie was released.
The entire movie may be seen here.
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