Reaching for the Stars

Erik Schumann, Liselotte Pulver, Gustav Knuth, Oliver Grimm

released: 1955 Jun 30   duration: 1:42

Germany. Original title: Griff nach den Sternen. The famous juggler Turell set out to throw his balls at the constellation of Ursa Major in such a way that it stayed in the air for a few seconds, but he doesn't make it. A son would be the answer, he could teach him this number. After many affairs, he finally meets Christine who gives him the boy he longs for. But when his son starts training, Turell has to realize that little Christian has no connection to the art of juggling. Now the father only works with effective tricks, as he gave up his dream long ago. When he injures himself, blood poisoning results. His wife and son are standing by his bed, and once again Turell raves in his feverish dreams, believing he has found the secret of the big trick, but death puts an end to his imagination.

There are several minutes of juggling seen throughout the movie, including a cascade with 5 large balls, nice tricks with three large balls, some work with a mouthstick, and up to 7 small balls.

Actor Erik Schumann juggles 3 large balls and 3 small balls.

Toni Wells performs a combination trick with 12 props.

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