Eleanor Powell, Dennis O'Keefe, W.C. Fields, Sophie Tucker
released: 1944 Jun 30 |
duration: 1:24:52 |
This is an entertaining movie featuring many excellent variety
acts, presented well, not just as background fluff.
The Johnson Brothers, Duke Johnson and Harry Johnson, are the
featured jugglers.
At 18:47, we first see them as they
march out in a parade,
each doing a 3 ball shower. Soon they appear again, each juggling
4 clubs. They then each toss one club behind them to be caught by
an assistant, as they go down to juggling 3 clubs each, side by side,
and then passing the 6 clubs between them.
Mel Hall then rides a unicycle, then a tall unicycle, and then he rides
the tall unicycle while inverted, peddling with his hands.
Hubert Castle performs a good piece of his amazing comedy slack rope act,
in which he plays drunk. There is also some amazing acrobatics.
At 27:11, one of the Pallenberg Bears does a bit of
bear foot juggling
with a long tube,
Sensations of 1945 /
Juggling in Movies /
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