IJA Affiliates
encourages juggling groups to become affiliates.
Benefits of affiliation are:
a certificate of affiliation
use of IJA mailing lists
group discounts on IJA sale items
participation in convention championships award program
subscription to the
IJA Affiliates and Clubs
being a part of the world's foremost organization devoted solely to the enhancement of juggling.
Requirements of affiliation are:
10 IJA members in the group
$25 one-time fee
a designated coordinator
an annual report of activities
For more information on becoming an IJA affiliate, contact:
Deena Frooman, director (affiliates)
9 Montagu Court
Charleston, SC 29401
IJA Affiliates and Clubs
An online archive of this quarterly publication of the International Jugglers' Association
IJA Affiliates /
Juggling Information Service
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