Juggling Information Service logo, originally designed by Greg Cohen.
May be used for non-profit applications.
270x138, 2777 bytes
You may link to the JIS with:
<A href="http://www.juggling.org/"><IMG
alt="Juggling Information Service"
width=270 height=138 border=0></A>
Silhouette of juggler doing 3 balls, one arm stuck behind the back.
Copyright Gregory Cohen, from a previous Infinite Illusions ad.
May be used for non-profit applications.
886x824, 8256 bytes
Logo of the Wave Systems Corp.,
converted to a GIF-89 animation. Used with permission.
70x144, 3812 bytes
Juggler of Toltec Origin, Pre-Hispanic Mexican drawing, circa 950 A.D.,
from Portland Juggling Festival '94 poster. Note: the original drawing
had only 2 balls, but the PJF folks decided to add the third ball on top.
How shocking!
640x800, 22827 bytes
Flying horse and juggler. Marc Chagall, 1887, lithograph 1956.
379x510, 48731 bytes
Close-up of the juggler from the above Marc Chagall lithograph.
734x552, 80692 bytes
Drawing of a clown on a unicycle juggling 5 varied objects.
520x860, 40107 bytes
17th European Juggling Convention logo.
335x825, 7464 bytes
International Jugglers' Association logo.
640x720, 13433 bytes
Two T-Rex's passing 7 people in Juggler's Park logo.
Popular T-shirt design parodies Jurassic Park logo.
660x510, 17762 bytes