Jörg Werner
Jörg Werner
About me: I´m (at the moment) 22 years and some days old. What
I do for a living, you ask? At the moment I´m not earning any money
at all. I am in my second year studying Physics at the University
of Konstanz/Germany, so I will take my first exams in two or three months
from now.
So what do I do, except studying physics? Answer: Nothing except studying
physics. NO I´m just kidding... There are some things I´m abused
First and last of all: Juggling. Otherwise I would have no homepage
here. You don´t know anything about juggling, you say? Then you should
check out www.juggling.org, it´s
just around the corner... I´m juggling with three or five balls and
three clubs/torches. That´s not much, but enough to keep me busy in
my spare time.
So, what else does this man do? Ther e are a lot of things I love
to do, but as I already said: time is the limiting factor. The day has just
24 hours, and that is a physical fact that cannot be changed. Enough is
said; now the rest of my hobbies in descending order of importance:
Computing & Internetting
- Apple builds the user-frendliest
Computers in the world!!!
Taking Photos and developing them myself
Reading english books
- If you are such a big Tom Clancy fan, as I am, you should take a
look at the newsgroups alt.books.tom-clancy and alt.books.technical.
Skiing (in the winter)
Rescue swimming (summer & winter)
- I´m a member of the german life
saving organization. I´m working a lot with kids, teaching them
first aid or once in a while, I´m holding theater classes. These include
black theater and pantomime.
Last but not least: Some cool links to follow up:
- If you want to send and receive faxes through the internet (they
are charging nothing at all for their services...) have a look
at: www.hpcs.de
- Are you speaking the german language? Want something to laugh about?
You´re studying physics or are a computer weenie? If the answer is
three times yes, than you have to read the best newspaper on the net: The
- Soon to come: my juggling-pictures Page!!!
- You can find a lot more links on my link-page
So, that´s it all folks. Have fun!

You can reach me under...
Jörg Werner
Zum Riesenberg 2a
78 476 Allensbach
Voice/Fax/Modem ++49 75 33 / 48 95
E-Mail: Joerg.Werner@uni-konstanz.de

Last Change: Wed, 7. August 1996 21:15 Uhr CET