Mitch Waltenspiel's Home Page
Here's me when I was 8 years old (spring '94) and played for the
Rookie Reds Little League team. I played mostly in the outfield, but
sometimes I was the pitcher.
What I like:
- My dad:
This picture was taken when
he was coach for my T-Ball team during the spring of 1993.
- Juggling my diablo.
I learned how to
use the diablo I got at the Lodi Juggling Festival in 1993.
- My best friend, Danial. We are both in fifth grade at
Harmony School in Occidental, California. My favorite subject
is PE.
- My favorite sport is baseball. My favorite food is
pizza. My favorite shoes are Converse All-Stars .
Things I don't like
- Math, especially multiplication and that kind of stuff.
- Being bored.
- Getting up in the morning.
- Hanging out at my mom's store
Mitch Waltenspiel