Plate is rolled down across chest, and down other arm, and caught.
If done correct, the plate 'clings' to the performer.
Dear Roger. No news but will write anyways. Frank Bushwhacker who played leads got in everybodys hair as ie was too upstage and stole scenes from the whole caste so By Golly got shed of him and what do you know Roger I'm leading man now. We got a raise so now it's 3/4 yard per week, not bad, not bad, The only play I aint the lead in is R.U.R. which was a flop on Bway but it clicks in the sticks Rep shows. Well in this here play I'm one of the leading robots. At first I didn't like being no robot but as the piece is all about robots which was manufactured when people got too lazy to work theirselves it's a very fine role. With this bill I do a mechanical man juggling act -is my specialty and work with jerky motions like I was run by wires and springs and the audience don't know if I'm human being or not. By Golly likes me as a robot and says I'm a natural for the part. The working man who is just a punk that drives stakes ast me to learn him to juggle so I showed him how to start off with 3 balls. He throwed a ball up then another way out in front and he'd have to run after them so I told him to go get a pair of roller skates to keep up with the balls, ha, ha. He gave it up as a bad job and said he'd rather be an actor anyways. Say Roger I use a swell gag which you can out in jugs bul. I juggle 3 rocks and say it's great to be back in-- then I act like I forgot the name of the town and juggle two rocks in my left hand and put the other rock between my legs. I get my glasses out and put them on, then take a piece of paper out of my pocket and read-- Pineville, Ga. Then still juggiing the two rocks I put the glasses and paper away and get the 3 rocks going again, I do it all over again later and it's a riot. Do you like poetry Roger. I do too and always read the Burma Shave ads along the roads. So long pal, Jug.
"Holiday on Ice" brought a young Danish jug, Kay Farelli, here recently. Although he has, only been in America 5 months, he had been juggling in Denmark for 21 years. He opens with four clubs, also does three clubs, handstand on 2 balls with one balanced on a mouthstick, 3 and 4 large balls, ball and mouthstick, closing with ball to audience. Since he has only been skating a short time, there are many other tricks that he hasn't learned to do on skates yet. His clubs, which lie made himself in Denmark, are very light and easy to handle. The body of the club is made of a wooden framework, with spring steel for support and covered with cloth, which eliminates much excess weight. We passed clubs for a while before the show and hope to have another jug session before the show leaves here. He enjoys meeting other jugs, so if he comes your way, be sure to see him.
Chico-Dell LeClair, who has a tramp clown jug act and trained monkeys, is now working school assembly programs, which he will continue to do until June, when he will work fairs in the mid-west, He uses Chinese parasol, plates, billiard balls and cue, clubs, and features diabolos. In his trained monkey act he balances a monkey on his head and juggles 3 clubs while riding a unicycle.
A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to receive some of Doug's valuable collection of pics and articles, including some fine action pics. Many thanks, Doug. HERE and THERE -- Glen Philips busy playing club dates around his home town, Sioux Falls, S.Dak.-- The Elgins heading south to Florida for three weeks.-Bert Hansen again busy this Yuletide season with his annual series of childrens' Christmas parties, in which he does a ball routine, 4 hoop spin, barber pole, and comedy cannon balls, plus his magic, vent and punch. He and Larry Weeks, who is with a U.S.O. hospital unit spent an evening together recently, Bert reports finding interesting chapters on building props in John J. Mills' English book, "How to do juggling" - - Neal Suddard went back to Duke University in January to finish his studies.-- Currently in Chicago are Rudy Cardenas at the Empire Room of the Palmer House, the Marcus troupe at the Aragon ballroom, and Pryde and Day at the Boulevard room of the Stevens. Many thanks for all the swell Christmas cards.
Anthony, R.I., The juggler, like the fisherman, has some tall tales to tell. It is a well known fact that it's only human nature to over color a juggling story just a little bit. For example, when the layman is asked how many balls the juggler juggled, he will probably reply, "Oh, about 9 or 10 balls" The truth of the matter is, the juggler most likely only juggled about 5. While attending a friend's birthday party, the host asked me to do a little juggling. I told him I didn't have any props with me, so I was handed 3 oranges. Much against my will, I did a short routine with the 3 oranges, including 3 in one hand. When I finished, a fellow came up to me and said, "That 3 oranges in one hand is fairly good, but I saw a street fruit peddler on New York's east side walking along the street, calling out his wares and juggling twelve apples, using only one hand."
This is one guy Ripley never heard about! Perhaps the reason this peddler isn't on the stage is that he did not have a nice stage personality! That's my Tall Tosser's Tale. What's yours? Received a letter from Bill Stearns in Jamestown, R.I. He's a college student in Vt. and has been bitten by the old jug Bug, the poor kid! We'll get together soon.
One or more of the various angles of publicity should be known and practiced by all performers. There is nothing more pathetic, in this day of razzle-dazzle ballyhoo in show business, than those obscure performers who remain in sort of total eclipse. A little publicity, applied in the right manner would cure this sad condition.
Roughly, anything which helps to make the performer known generally, comes under the head of publicity. Your letterhead and envelope, other printed matter, as well as professional photos and the like, all come under the head of publicity. Publicity in any form is recognized by advertising experts as an extremely important adjunct to a performer's act.
This is an appropriate time, after the holidays, to give some much needed hints on how to mail out publicity matter. Although most of the greeting cards don't come under the head of publicity (just friendly greetings from one performer to another), still, some do. As this is written, our trailer has a gala appearance with cards extending around the living room on the moulding.
Those combining holiday greetings as well as good publicity value are the photo Xmas cards from Eric Johnson, Neal Suddard, Art Jennings, Tilden Miller, etc., and that new cartoon card from Spud Roberts. Topping the list, however, is a hand-made card from Bert Hanley, showing devil sticks, a club, top hat, and jugggling balls formed with little wads of cotton. A card like this is a prize collector's item because of the work that went into it, making it highly individualized if I may spring with a ten buck word.
Many cards were received this year which disregard the simple rules. Here they are, so that hereafter you will cause a more favorable impression on the receiver. Put first-class postage on mail to performers as it will not be forwarded, unless someone along the way attaches additional postage. This mail, too, will not be returned to sender for the same reason. Mail should have name and address of sender in upper, left-hand corner of envelope. Address should be typed, printed, or legibly written starting half way down the envelope so that stamp cancellation marks will not obliterate addressee's name. If your mail is worth sending, it is well worth the effort to DO IT RIGHT. Something to think about!
Ed's note: Doug's mention of postage brought to mind a little trick used by many mail order publicists that is not too well known or has been neglected because it takes a little extra effort. Next time you mail out a batch of publicity go to the stamp collector's window of the post office and ask for the latest issue and stamp your mail with these. The use of a stamp that is not commonly seen attracts attention and gives added prestige to the contents. Then too, with millions of stamp collectors in the country you are bound to reach a few of them and impress them with your up-to-datedness. Try it and see for yourself!
shootin' the breeze, with roger
Again comes the time to polish up our old crystal juggling ball and see what 1948 may hold in store for juggling and jugglers.
By close inspection we see a possibility that the I.B.M. convention will be held in New Orleans next June. Whether a Juggling Session at this convention is being planned or not is not revealed in the shadows of our ball. A get-together of jugglers held in conjunction with I.B.M. as it was last June has many advantages over a separate conclave of jugglers alone. On the other hand if enough I.J.A. members as well as other interested jugglers were in favor of a separate meet, this might be arranged. Harry Lind has indicated that it might be entirely possible to have cabins and housing facilities in Jamestown on Lake Chautauqua for a grand session there with the large ballroom there available for a central meeting place. Such a convention could perhaps be held for a week, in which time jugs could come for one day, or all seven, and combine the convention with a rest vacation. There would have to be a fairly large number of jugglers indicate willingness and ability to attend to justify a separate get-together. At any rate you should make known your desires to your I.J.A. president, Art Jennings.
Spinning the crystal ball rapidly gives us an indication that many new Bulletin readers, as well as some old ones who haven't complete files would like to read a complete set without the expense of buying a lot of back numbers at fifty cents a copy, even if all the copies were still available. To take care of this situation we are going to offer the following rental service on Bulletins, Bound volume of 1-12, $ 1; 13-24, $1.00; 1-24, $2.00; and 1 - 36, $ 3.00. Each volume will be shipped postpaid and insured and can be kept for 30 days from date of our shipment and is then to be returned by insured parcel post. This service available only to present Bulletin subscribers and those who have subscribed for a year or more since first published. Since we have only one copy of each of the above, your name will be placed on a waiting list if the volume of your choice is not immediately available.
As the ball slows down we see an interesting assortment of material for future Bulletins. Among this material we see the DeMott Multi-Cigar Box Routine, more swell ideas by Joe Marsh, a complete collection of variations of the medal gag, reprints of some rare old magazine articles on juggling and jugglers of old, Jug Juggleson's adventures, Things to Think About, Juggler's Junction, news and pics. Speaking of pics- if we don't have one of you on file, we should have-- How else can we give you the publicity you deserve as the occasion turns up?
OOPS I dropped the darned ball-but we'll have it repaired by 1949 in time to reveal the future a year hence.
reported by VIN (two ball shower) CAREY
Sitting beside me at my desk writing post cards is our friend Harry Lind. He arrived Saturday (Nov. 30) and we've been having a jug session ever since. Bill Adamson was over from Washington so the session started in the shop (Carey's Magic Shop) . Sunday afternoon Harry, Winnie and I went to the State Theatre to see Wilfrid Dubois and invited him to come out to the house in the evening after last show to meet and greet a group of tossers who were there. Among those present were, Harry Lind, Bo-Bo Thumser, Oliver Regester, Charles "Buck" Pielert of the team Pielert and Schofield and an assortment of Ladies. Wilfrid arrived while clubs, balls, rings and sticks (in fact everything that wasn't nailed down) were flying about in the club basement. There was much talk about "Do you remember this-a-one and that-a-one) extending far into the night. Harry had a chance to add three or four more to the list of jugglers with whom he has passed clubs. We went to work on the boys and Harry signed up Wilfred in I.J.A. and took his subscription while I was taking Oliver Regester's subscription.
The juggling was broken by a concert of the Augusta Avenue Philharmonic and Chamber Society (Regester with accordion, trumpet, bells, guitar and other instruments, and Vin Carey on drums) which also played for the juggling exhibitions. What a great time! Vin demonstrated his "two-ball shower" with variations as well as a bit of magic. We even had Buck Pielert who hasn't tossed anything in years recalling his ball and club routines and surprising himself as well as the rest of us with his skill. After the last guest left, Harry and I still sat and talked and reviewed all the acts that have ever been seen or heard of and
came to the final conclusion that "There is nothing wrong with juggling or jugglers". Regester is just recently a married man and believe it or not Harry was giving his wife lessons in Club passing and it looks like there will be an order for some five club model clubs as Annie seems to be bitten by the juggling bug. Buck Pielert left promising to unearth some pictures for Harry's book and my scrapbook. By the way my scrapbook is growing so fast that it will be necessary to have your picture in it to be classed in Who's Who in Juggling.
While Harry has been on this bit of a vacation he has visited his old partner, Frank Gregory, the Three Swifts, Stan Kavanaugh, and plans to visit Lorette, Clem Faust, Eddie Johnson and others in Philly.
Ed's note: Sessions like the above make for greater fellowship among jugs. We'd like to hear of them being held all over the country and reported about in the Bulletin.
I met Harry Lind at the Penn station in Phila about the middle of December. We decided there is nothing much wrong with Jugglers or Juggling. Harry has done his part in making clubs that are easy to handle, wich is a boon for club juggling aspirants and professionals. Years ago it was hard to get a good club - then Ed VanWyck came on the scene and now Lind has brought the clubs to about perfection. How about SEVEN CLUBS. I personally have never seen this accomplished, and never expect to, and I have seen about everything in the juggling line from the "Gay Nineties" to the present era. If you aspire to the feat, here is the way I would go about it. Hold three clubs in the left hand. Now pick up four clubs in right hand. Throw the four up in the air one following the other until the R.H. is empty - then catch the four one after the other in their descent to R. H. until you have caught all four, and hold them securely again. Now reverse all this, holding three in R.H. and do the throwing and catching of the four with L. H. After you have mastered this with both hands until you are fairly sure of it, you are ready to start your seven. Seven would be done in the same fashion as five are handled by McBann, Joe Cook, and a few other top-notch tossers. Seven clubs passed by two persons is very spectacular, and can be done with sureness. An impossible idea struck me that a great display of Seven could be made by sitting on a high stool, juggling three clugbs with feet, and four with hands. That would look very pretty with decorated clubs. Seven done in any way by one person would be a great feat, but not for small places, it would belong in a Circus Ring, Arena, or Hippodrome. It would be rather hard at a Night-club with a 6 or 9 foot ceiling and possibly an amber spot-light focussed on one eye, and a red spot on the other. As for schools, if you try it, I advise youto hire a lawyer for an assistant and have a doctor in the audience. Well, "Au Revoir" to I.J.A. members and other readers too.
Ed's note: Seven done on stool suggested above would look great even with undecorated clubs!
(Newspaper article)
by Andrew R. Rowley
Bernard (Barney) E. Horrigan, 71, retired oil man known throughout the industry for his wit, humor, and practical jokes, died at his home at 1443 S. Cheyenne Av today after a long illness.
Often refereed to as the "Will Rogers of Tulsa". Mr. Horrigan, who was a close friend of America's beloved humorist, retained his great sense of humor to the last. A few days before his death, despite the fact a barber shaved him at regular intervals, Mr. Horrigan insisted on shaving himself. When Mrs. Horrigan and the nurse began commenting on this procedure, Barney spoke up:
"If you two old sisters will stop gassing, I will get along with this job."
As a young man, Mr. Horrigan had developed a talent for sleight of hand
tricks and became expert as a magician. His older brother, James
Horrigan, was a Keith vaudeville circuit artist billed as "Harrigan
Despite his illness he insisted on holding the traditional birthday
party, given for him every year, and such a party was held June 9,
with old friends and magician associates present. The guests, realizing
Mr. Horrigan was under a great strain, wanted to leave early but Barney
insisted on demonstrating some of his tricks and insisted others at the
party do some entertaining also.
Though our association with Barney was mainly in Magic, we thought we
could detect an extra brightness in his eyes when he spoke of his
brother, Harrigen, and described his act, particulary the stack of
cigar boxes with the lit lamp on top in which each box in turn was
knocked away finally leaving the lit lamp balanced on hand. We'll
always remember Barney's complete pantomine of this feat.
Why does a man write a story? For many reasons - an urge, a bite, a gripe, the need of a buck, the need to get something off his chest, the desire to support
his family, the hope of expressing something beautiful he feels inside him,
the wish to entertain, to be admired, to be famous, to overcome a frustration, or to experience vicariously an unfulfilled wish, the pleasure of taking an idea and sending it flashing through the air like a juggler with many silver balls, or the dark satisfaction
of pinioning the same idea or thought or human experience and dissecting it to its roots.
Reprinted from Confessions of a Story Writer by Paul Gallico, by permission of and by special arrangement with Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Copyright 1946 by Paul Gallico.
Doug says, "This article appeared in "The Writer". Paul Gallico's
figure of speech about the juggler revives my previous suggestion
that chrome or stainless steel balls would be socko."
(In every issue from No.1, Vol. 1, to present date).
ALDRICH. - Emprire Theatre, 24th April, 1903.
Comedy Juggling, Conjuring, etc.
Comes on wearing black alpaca cloak covering court dress. Picks up
a large flag about 8 ft. square, with pole across top to keep it
extended, and holds same up so as to hide himself completely, pole
resting on his head. After about fifteen seconds drops flag and is
seen attired as an old miser. This magical quick change is executed
quite close to special drop scene, in which doubtless is trap from
which he may obtain assitance, and flag permanently attached to wire,
manipulated either from "wings" or "flies". Miser mutters to himself
"What a silly old fool I am. I will go out the same way I came in."
Covers himself again in same manner with same flag and changes to
sporting man; and a third time, changing to black tight fitting
suit and crush hat (? Same suit that he appeared in first, or with
very slight alteration).
Throwing aside the first flag he takes another, similarin all respects,
and holds it up in front of himself, amrs extended high above head, and
fingers seen all the time (dummy fingers). After some fifteen seconds
flag is thrown in air (wires jerked by assistants); almost simultaneously
performer comes on at "wing."
Next follows an impersonation of a tramp juggler. On stage to his
right is a heap of earthenware: on opposite side a white screen,
about 4 ft. high by 2 ft.6 in. stands on stage, also a box marked
"seed" near by. Comes on attired as tramp puffing an "Ogden," which
he eventually sticks on screen; also takes three cigars from pocket
and sticks on screen, left hand side near top, also sticks his hat in
centre of screen. Then makes a lightning sketch on screen consisting
of a pellican surrounded by trees and bullrushes. Cap forms body of
bird and two strokes of black paint for legs and one for neck finish
it; a few daubs of green paint to right and underneath supply trees,
rushes, etc. The three cigars on left form heads of bullrushes,
finished with a few strokes of paint to ground.
Lights and smokes cigar, and puts lighted match in vest pocket -
suddenly takes match out of pocket lighted, with actions that indicate
it was getting warm. Repeats this several times, putting lighted watch
in trousers pocket, between waistcoat and shirt, etc., etc., which
provokes much laughter.
Jugglers old top hat, various and bewildering twists (no throwing ).
Throws top hat, cigar, and one of his dilapidated boots. Finishes
by catching hat on head, cigar in mouth, and boot (wide top) on foot.
Picks up silvered ball and knocks it with hammer to give impression
"much solidity," but when he stops the knocking is continued at "wing."
He "gets wild" and tosses the ball in the air catching it on the side
of his head where it clings and he carries it around the stage.
Juggles with a large bowl full of water, of course spilling water all
over himself and stage; tries to pick up and replace water in bowl, gets
wild and rolls bowl off stage.
Juggles two plates on palms of hand; these platers are seen to stick to
the hands when he suddenly and seems alarmed on seeing the handkerchief,
on thread at rear of stage, moving again.
Juggles several plates and throws one (cardboard disc) out in to
auditorium to terror (momentarily) of audience.
Leaves stage and reappears wearing long fierce mustache, and announces
travesty on Ching Ling Foo, original Chinese conjurer. While talking,
long ends of mustache move about in a most mirth-provoking manner
doubtless agitated by threads passing up through eyelets in wig to
hands held behind back.
Leaves stage again and comes on attired in long robes as Chinese
conjuror wearing wig with pigtail (rigid) standing straight up on
top of head.
Throws metal plate in the air with a twirling motion catches it on
pigtail (standing straight up rigid on top of head) where it continues
to spin (spinning centre) as he leaves the stage amidst much applause.
HENRI FRENCH (Conjurer).
Programme, Empire, June 18th , 1901
Stage carpeted and furnished as drawing room, wings closed with curtain
screens, small entrance to stage at rear. The Entertainment is divided
into two parts, Comic juggling and a travesty on Chung Ling Soo, Chinese
Magician. French attired in ridiculous costume, with red wig and
dilapidated top hat, enters on one small bicycle wheel, running around
the stage, hat falls off, and a large notice on his back reads "There's
Right's very large bell standing in centre of stage, attendant enters
and enacts funny business while performer juggles a plate and balances
same on nose. Juggles four odd objects, plate, etc.) two in each hand =
dexterous dropping and catching of plate.
Throws hat, plate, small ball of paper: catches hat on head and paper
ball under hat, lifting hat from behind.
Small table, 15 to 18 inches square laid with cloth and crockery -
removes cloth with a quick jerk without distturbing crockery. Attendant
attempts to do the same at table on opposite side of stage and smashes
everything, exasperated goes to opposite table and proceeds to
deliberately smash and pitch its contents at French.
Lights candle and pockets lighted match, jerks cigar from table into
mouth, lights cigar at candle held in right hand, extinguishes candle
by causing it to describe a half turn in air and to fall back into
candle-stick. Juggles candle-stick on arm, and finally throws candle,
candle-stick, and table (a small gueridon).
Jerks top hat from seat of chair on to head, from head on to peg of
hat stand. Throws hat from foot to head. Throws cigar, hat, and
umbrella. Lays cigar on hat; throws hat - cigar goes in mouth and
hat on head.
Holding umbrella at the centre with hat on ferrule end, jerks hat,
causing it to roll along body of umbrella and right fore-arm and to
fall on the handle of umbrella; throws hat from handle to head then
jerks it on to peg of hat stand.
Throws egg, ball, and plate; then throws egg very high and catches
on plate several times without breaking egg. Breaks egg on plate to
show real. Attendant catches smell of egg makes grimace and lights
a cigar. French also endeavors to light cigar at electric light
which goes out, he then rubs it as he would a match on seat of trousers
when it re-lights.
Keeps ringing bell to re-call atttendant.
Puts large jar and quantity of plates on end of pole and attempts to
balance on head, but all to ground when attendant shouts; French throws
plates and etc. at the attendant who retires hurriedly. Rings bell again.
Throws three black wood balls, about five inches diameter, occasionally
letting one bounce on floor, suddenly one hits him on the head and he
appears stunned, but eventually goes on throwing the balls until struck
again. When he throws all three one by one, violently on the stage -
the two first are wood, the third i.e., the one that struck him turns
out to be india rubber.
Thows iron wash-stand basin and jug and afterwards pours a quantity of
water from jug into basin. (Applause).
Throws three revolvers firing them at same tme, and eventually blowing
off wig and revealing French. Speaks for first time anouncing that he
will give an imitation of the greatest Chinese conjurer,
Four attendants, attired in Chinese costume, enter and clear away mess
from juggling show by lifting it bodily away in carpet - afterwards
putting down a fresh carpet.
French enters with rod and line and works the Fish Catching Trick.
(This is a bit over done at this date, and gives one the idea that
the Eastern Conjurers are no more prolific than their Western Confreres.
Fish catching and Back hand coin and card palming are now stale, in fact,
worked and exposed to death).
Our cohort, Logan Wait, returns from the frozen North with glowing
accounts of the work of Rudy Cardenas whose cup juggle, eight ball
toss, and nonchalant two ball finger spin we'll look forward to seeing
one of these days.
HORRIGAN'S FAVORITE PICTURE - This picture was a favorite of
Bernard (Barney) E. Horrigan, retired Tulsa oil man who died at 4 a.m.
today. He is shown standing at the right of his friend, the late Will
Rogers, famed Oklahoma humorist. Horrigan was known throughout the oil
industry for his wit and humor.