Frankly, reporting the doings of the First Convention of the International Jugglers' Association is one of the toughest assignments we've ever undertaken. We've been to several conventions and read reports of many more but never have we enjoyed one as much as this one. In fact we were so busy enjoying it that we failed to make a single note and it was only in a post-convention meeting at Lind's that we jotted down some material But notes or no notes, the highlights of the convention can never be forgotten by those attending.
Though this report will not cover the events in chronological order we can at least start at the beginning. We hopped up to Chicago to find Bill Talent waiting for us at the Round Table and we plotted our voyage to Jamestown for that night. Having a little time left we dropped out to see Howard Nichols and persuade him to join us. We almost had him railroaded but previous commitments the following week in San Antonio, Texas caused our failure. We did get a glimpse of his wonderful collection of juggliana and Howard has already started work on a feature that will appear in coming issues of the Bulletin. We certainly enjoyed meeting this modest and great juggler and only wish he could have been at the convention. As we walked through the terminal turnstile a voice called, "Your name wouldn't be Montandon would it?, and we turned around and shook hands with Jack Greene. Thus we three started a neck stiffening journey to Jamestown. Jumpin'- Jeepers we've been on the train of tomorrow - but where could they have found that gallopin' ghost from the past and stuck the respectable name of "Erie" on it!
The minute we stepped into the Hotel Jamestown and registered we knew the convention would be a success for Art Jennings, George DeMott, George Barvin, and Dr. Crosby were already there and had things in full swing. These men did a lot of pre convention work and kept it up the entire convention. To them, our hat is off for making the convention run so smoothly and successfully.
Here, then, we met for the first time the man that had the greatest load on his shoulders, Dr. Crosby. What a guy! It wasn't till the next day that we met Mrs. Crosby and we found out that the billing should be Dr. and Mrs. Crosby, Convention Co-Chairmen. How they took care of all the usual convention troubles, cured ailing jugglers, and kept up a busy practice is more than we'll ever know-- and possibly even they wonder about it now that the event is over.
When George DeMott said that Fox Movietone and Look Magazine would cover
the convention he MEANT it. Mr. Blair of Fox Movietone took pictures of
the 25 or more jugglers gathered together at Allen Park doing every
conceivable type of juggling until he was blue in the face--. or we
should say red, for exposing some
The Convention opened officially by Convention Chairman Crosby and
President Jennings Sunday evening. Father Bryzana, Reverend Tolley, and
Rabbi Minsker each skillfully blended their thoughts to form one of
the most interesting and inspiring invocations ever heard. From then on
things started flying and kept on flying until the end of the convention.
After returning from Allen Park the following morning Vin Carey displayed
an elaborate table full of props all made by himself. His explanation
of how each item was conceived and manufactured was interesting and
educational - After this "serious" lecture Vin broke down and during the
rest of the convention lived up to his billing of "Convention Kibitzer".
Never a dull moment eh, Vin? Your editor followed with various types of
foolishness such as Bouncing Putty, The Rigid Rope and the Vanishing Cane
- Well, we can't all be jugglers ! Jack Greene, a truly great juggler,
but you'd never guess it for his modesty, followed with reminiscences of
vaudeville and juggling during the "golden era". Climaxing the
educational forum was Harry Lind who after a brief talk, removed his coat
and demonstrated the evolution of club juggling from single and double
club swinging moves. Bobby Jule was introduced and favored us with his
routine of club swinging and tossing done with the precision that is
characteristic of all of his work.
The evening session covered the motion picture activities of such
outstanding jugglers as Lew Folds, Truzzi Francisco, Boy Foy, Bob Dupont,
Bobby May, and The Barnards, and the films taken at the Pittsburgh get
together in 1947. The films were shown in the telephone company's movie
studio by a professional operator ail furnished through the courtesy of
Mr. Wright, the President.
At the business meeting Tuesday morning the Constitution and By Laws were
amended and adopted, letters and telegrams from absent members were read,
memorial service held for jugglers having passed on, and new officers
elected. The new officers include Art Jennings, President; Vin Carey,
Vice President; Violet Carlson, Secretary-Treasurer; George DeMott,
Chaplain: Jack Greene and Harry Lind, Directors. The afternoon was filled
with swapping of pictures, looking at scrapbooks and just plain and fancy
juggling. Out standing among the scrapbooks were those of Jack Greene,
Joe Fleckenstein, Vin Carey, and George Lerch.
We'd heard a lot about the toastmastership of Joe Fleckenstein and at the
banquet that night some 52 jugglers and their ladies were entertained by
his wit and humor. During his more serious moments, Joe introduced
Chairman Crosby, the new and retiring officers, Mayor Stroth of
Jamestown, and Harry Lind. The ovation given Harry and his expression of
gratitude will never be forgotten by those attending. It was a fitting
climax to the banquet honoring this great juggler and craftsman.
Autographing of the guest book and the giant club as well as the group
pictures filled the early evening. And then as if pre-arranged by the
fates, who should drop in but Eddie Tierney. Having driven some 300 miles
from Canada and having to be in Baltimore the next day didn't stop this
great juggler from giving us a demonstration of four and five club work
done with the ease and grace never before witnessed by most of us. Eddie
gave a repeat performance for the photographers and included some of the
finest precision club passing with Al and Buster Barnard ever viewed. We
interviewed Roy Henderson, who held the cigar in his mouth while Tierney
and Barnard flipped the ashes off with flying clubs, and he said, " Sure
is hard on a good cigar". 'Twas great having Eddie with us for a few
hours. What a gentleman !
After such a strenuous night things didn't get under full swing till late
the next morning with more pictures taken, hospital shows given, and
preparations made for "The Big Toss Up" the public Headliner show. George
Barvin certainly did a marvelous job of lining up talent and the small
but appreciative audience expressed their approval of each act in the
fast moving, well balanced show. Vin Carey M.C.'d and as he had
previously promised, there were no stage waits. Everything clicked like a
big time production. There was James Murphy and his gravity defying slack
wire presentation, Vin Carey with a spot of Magic climaxed by a superb
linking ring routine. Harry Lind and Jack Greene represented the Old
Timers with their club passing. Lloyd Morgan with his fascinating
gyrations on the high and low unicycles. -Lou Meyer with his unique
comedy juggling. Art Jennings billed as the Bum juggler but the audience
didn't think so... a slik combination of comic situations and juggling.
George DeMott, a versatile juggler who checked with all the other artists
and still presented something different. George Lerch, this versatile
young juggler presented unsupported ladder, stilt walking, rope spinning
and juggling all done on a portable slack wire rigging, and finished
strong with the hand stand on the slack wire as seen in a picture
elsewhere in this Bulletin. As if to bring this great show to its apex,
Bobby Jule presented his flawless juggling technique in the routine that
has made him one of the nation's top jugglers. Such smoothness and timing
! Vin Carey called all jugglers' in the house to the stage and the air
was filled with flying objects as the curtain closed on a Great Show. All
jugglers were invited to Bill Dunham's cottage on the shores of Lake
Chit and after coffee and sandwiches and more juggling, the
Convention came to a reluctant close.
REMEMBER.... The introduction of Mayor Stroth as "the best mayor money
can buy "..... The joke Joe Fleckenstein told that made H.H. Brown laugh
so hard that it made everyone laugh til the tears came.... Morgan
Anderson's excuse for his black eye, "I ran into a club"..... Vin Carey's
improved two ball shower, and we'll bet you can't do it either the first
time.... That the thumping on the floor of 828 kept Fleckenstein awake
all night, and he was two floor below.... The Pryde Shannon vs. Art
jenninas running feud.... Stuart new method of 3 club juggling, evidently
only Cornell students learn it this way, but it sure looks good.... Bill
Dunham at the Victory cafe falling asleep at the table, the gang leaving
him and having the
waitress wake him up, Mumbled Bill, "Am I too early for breakfast or too
late for dinner".... John Wright telephone company prexy saying, "If
there is anything I can do for you let me know", and Lind saying, "I'd
like a telephone".... Vin Carey's question of how the juggler in the
story "The Juggler of Our Lady" started the six balls with his stocking
feet and Father Bryzana's quick reply, "You must remember it's just a
legend".... Pryde having to return the silverware at the banquet and
looking daggers at you know who... Dottie Dell's nerve in juggling on top
of the hotel.... Bill Talent's wonderful ball juggling and the Talent,
Barnard, Barnard, and wastebasket routine.... The great job of
Instruction, advice, and moral support by Talent, Greene and Lind....
Phil Harrington's constant cry, "Hold it, I'm out of film" Les and Steve
Kosanke hitch hiking to Jamestown and being watched over by the Crosby's
....The great job done by Mrs. Crosby, Mrs. DeMott, and Violet
Carlson.... H. H. Brown's sense of humor .... The barkeep who wouldn't
believe there was a convention going on because only two had been in for
drinks .... And Art Jennings confessing that he was one of 'em... but for
the cold.... How Art kept going in spite of a terrific cold.... George
Lerch's marvelous juggling in the ballroom, but seen by only a few....
Bill Dietrich who learned to shower five balls before he knew they could
be cascaded.... Those quiet guys like Burford Carlson, John Boettcher,
Louis Rich, Jos. Boyle, Forest Little, Buddy Dell, and Dr. Baldwin....
Theodore Stromberg sending in his registration even though he couldn't
attend ... The fine fellowship and cooperation that made this convention
The publicity had already started before we arrived. We have never had
contact with a more cooperative press than the Jamestown Post journal.
Every day of the convention and even days before and after, the Jugglers'
Convention was given front page attention. We doubt that even those
attending realized how much publicity was given this affair, so we have
gathered together on this page and the next one some of the press reports
and pictures used in the Jamestown Post journal. Our closest contact with
the press was with Stan Olson, Staff photographer who took the pictures
appearing in this Bulletin; What a swell guy!... And excellent
photographer to boot! And what service... if we ordered pictures at
four... they were ready by 7.. the SAME DAY ! Amazing, no less. Thanks
then to you, Stan, and all of the staff that gave us such swell coverage
with such friendliness, We don't know how much more news was national in
scope, but we do know that the picture and story of the Kosanke brothers,
Les and Steve, appeared all over the nation as an AP release The story of
these two hitch hiking Texans appears on the following page as written in
the Post journal. Les told us that on the way back home they'd try to
stop at Tulsa- at Box 711. That's a mighty small hole in the wall, but
maybe they can cram you both in there !
[JIS Editor's note: In the original Juggler's Bulletin several newspaper articles were reproduced. We have just included the headlines here.]
City to Play Host at Jugglers Convention Tomorrow
Jamestown Post-Journal
Young Texans Hitchhike
To Jugglers' Convention
Brothers Risk High Treason Charges
By Admitting New York State Has.'It'
Charity Show For Boys' Club Ends Convention
Jugglers To Aid Boys' Club Fund
Jugglers Take Over Park for Movie Camera Field Day
News Reels Grind and Magazine Photographers Record 'Routines'
Jugglers Open Convention Here Sunday