Back issues of Juggler's World are available for sale at cover price plus 10 percent for shipping and handling. Send your order and payment to Box 29, Kenmore, NY 14217. The following issues are available at the following prices (not including the handling charge):
It's as easy as handing out the new IJA brochure to your juggling friends. Write for a free supply (Box 29, Kenmore, NY 14217) and become eligible for incentive prizes. Top prize for individual winner is a convention package plan. Affiliates and individuals also win loads of props supplied by the finest juggling manufacturers.
Write your name and affiliate (if applicable) on the application panel before handing out the brochure. The IJA will track names and announce winners for first, second and third place in both categories as of June 30, 1986. All referers become eligible for prop lottery drawing at the 1986 convention.
Prizes supplied by: Chasley Co., Brian Dube, Jenack Circus Corp., Jugglebug, Juggler's Prop Shop, Tom Kuhn YoYo's, Roger Montandon, Pat's Juggling Balls, Semcycle, Stu Raynolds, Renegade, Rocky Mountain Juggling Supplies, Solipaz Publishing, Tenderfoot, Trileen Inc., Variety Arts Press.
IJA Membership Application
Name __________________________________________ Age __________ Street Address ________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ______________________________________________ Tel. _____________________ Referred by _______________________
Enclose $18 for US membership, $21 Canada, $25 Europe (Members outside US receive 1st class mailing. Inside US is third class unless you add $3 to cover first class mail surcharge.) Membership payments are tax-deductible.
The members of the San Jose Juggling Society invite you to join them for the 39th IJA convention next summer. Informal activities begin the previous Friday, with official events starting Tuesday. Separate workshop space means a quality learning experience for amateurs and professionals alike, Ideal climate for outdoor juggling on wide lawns. Enjoy a finale show with M.C. Robert Nelson, the Butterfly Man.
Eastern is the official airline of the 1986 convention, flying into San Jose International Airport just 10 minutes from campus. Even if you don't live in a city served by Eastern, they can handle your air travel arrangements. 35 percent discount off normal coach fare for conventioneers. Call 800-468-7022 (Fla. 800-282-0244) and mention IJA's EZ access Number EZ7-P11.
Convention Co-Chairmen
Barry & Sue Bakalor
1152 Timberpine Ct.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086