YOUR ONE STOP SHOP for all your juggling supplies: Dube', Jugglebug, Todd Smith. "The Complete Juggler" book $11; Dube' Devil Stick $20. Andy's Odd Sports, P.O. Box 1071, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004.
LOOK!!! Multi-Colored Knee-High Clown Socks, Cushioned cotton foot, spander top, made in U.S.A., red/white, blue/white, kelly green/white, red/blue, blue/gold, purple/gold, kelly green/gold, red/gold, pink/blue, pink/light green, red/blue/gold, red/kelly green/gold. $4.50 pair or 2 pair/$8.00 plus $2.00 shipping. A.J.'s Magic Inc., 3115 Shadow Walk Lane, Tucker, GA 30084. Send stamped envelope for list of other items.
UNOWHEEL (TM), the Newsletter for Unicyclists. Sample issue $3. Complete manual, "How To Ride a Unicycle," $10 postpaid. "The Whole Unicycle Catalog," 1987 edition. Includes unicycling, artistic bicycling, and juggling. Covers organizations, clubs, events, publications, books, sources for equipment, and more. $6 postpaid. Solipaz Publishing Co. Box 366, Lodi, CA 95241.
SERIOUS NUMBERS JUGGLERS: Custom phosphorescent orange juggling bags, precision sewn, walnut shell fill, any weight, tolerance to one-tenth gram. Standard weights: 5-6 balls, 100 grams; 7-8 balls, 85 grams; or your choice. Dan Bennett uses and endorses this prop. $3 per bag, postage included. Helaman Ferguson. 3895 Quail Run, Provo, Utah 84604-5279.