Remember that the 41st Annual IJA Convention will be held in Denver, Colorado, July 12-17, 1988. Convention hosts will be the Rocky Mountain Juggling Club, Tricia Allen presiding. Mark your calendar now to go Cascading in the Rockies!
These are 3/4" round pins of the IJA logo suitable for your lapel, prop bag or juggling jacket. Made of fine quality metal, they are just $2. Subtle, but distinctive.
Take Akron home in a 2-hr. tape of the winners! Also, still stocked with the 1986 championships, which includes Anthony Gatto's remarkable U.S. Nationals and Numbers performances. Good juggling inspiration for just $35!
Please order by volume and number. These issues available for $2.00 are:
34.3, May '82 - Santa Barbara cover 35.2, May '83 - Juggling hand cover 35.3, Sept. '83 - Club swinging cover 36.2, June '84 - No Elephant cover 36.3, Fall '84 - Albert Lucas cover 36.4, Winter '84 - Europe conven. cover 37.1, Spring '85 - Horseback jug cover
The following issues are $3 each:
37.2, Summer '85 - Juggling in Space 37.3, Fall '85 - Ken Falk cover 37.4, Winter '86 - Flying K. cover 38.1, Spring '86 - The Doctor cover 38.4, Winter '86 - Expo '86 cover 39.1, Spring '87 - Pickle Circus cover 39.3, Fall '87 - Akron convention cover
And, for $5, the 80-page:
39.2, Summer '87 - 40th Anniversary Special
They are 3" round and an excellent bargain at just 50 cents.
Sew it on your jacket to be cool, on your tux for real style! We even sell to people who weren't there! Just $2.
For serious juggling historians, the complete microfiche of IJA Newsletters is available. This valuable collection, packaged for easy transport and availability, includes all Newsletters from Vol. 1, No. 1 in 1948 through 1982. The cost for this impressive package is $25.
The book, "Comedy Juggling," by Rich Chamberlin is available through the IJA for just $6.00. Many routines and gag lines beginning jugglers will find helpful. (Autographed by the author upon request)
Again, the IJA logo reproduced as a sew-on patch, perfect for the jacket or shirt you juggle in, or affix it to your prop bag. These are $2.50, and do not include a sewing kit.
Just a few left in various sizes and colors.
Box 29
NY 14217
Payment in check, money order, MasterCard or Visa is acceptable. Please include 10 percent for shipping and handling.
or just call Rich! 716/876-5331