Juggler's World

Fall 1991

Vol. 43, No. 3

Table of Contents

On the Cover: Andrew Head - Bob Nelson Jr. photo

The 44th IJA Festival

Heroes in the Heartland
Juggling hero Sergei Ignatov from the East and Anthony Gatto from the West meet in St. Louis to create a Midwestern juggling wonderland in St. Louis for the IJA.

The Awards
The IJA bestowed special awards on several outstanding individuals in St. Louis.

Grrr! Grumble! Growl!
A new championships award system stirs up a hornet's nest of discontent as judges find there's no easy answer to the ol' apples and oranges problem of rating different juggling acts.

Senior Individual Championship
Andrew Head Leads Senior Individual Medal Parade

Teams Championship
Doubble Troubble Reward Not Enough for Teams Audience

Juniors Championship
Newcomer Pat McGuire Charms Audience and Judges in Juniors

Games and Joggling Races
Tabulated Results


IJA Honors Its "Attorney Juggler" in St. Louis
Phineas Indritz

Juggling with a Net
Juggling computer network

Essay - What's the Best Way to Practise Juggling?
David Naylor

Essay - Juggling Our Selves
Barrett Dorko

Video Books



New Life Members

Schedule of upcoming events.

Late breaking news and gossip about dozens of juggling performers.

Classified Ads


Juggler's Workshop
Selected tricks from George Gillsons Beyond the Cascade: Step-by-Step Guides to 88 Classic 3-Ball Juggling Tricks.

Kitting Around
Victor Pilipovich and Anatoly Miagkostupov

Academic Juggler
In a picture of an ordinary cascade, objects may be neatly arranged in pairs in the air, or clubs may be all horizontal or all vertical at the same time. Why does this happen?

Flash Back
Frank and Joyce Kirk

Juggler's World - Fall 1991 / Juggler's World Archive / jis@juggling.org
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