Juggling Club Meetings: North America

United States

Alabama             Kentucky            North Dakota
Alaska              Louisiana           Ohio
Arizona             Maine               Oklahoma
Arkansas            Maryland            Oregon
California          Massachusetts       Pennsylvania
Colorado            Michigan            Rhode Island
Connecticut         Minnesota           South Dakota
Delaware            Mississippi         South Carolina
Dist. of Col.       Missouri            Tennessee
Florida             Montana             Texas
Georgia             Nebraska            Utah
Hawaii              Nevada              Vermont
Idaho               New Hampshire       Virginia
Illinois            New Jersey          Washington
Indiana             New Mexico          West Virginia
Iowa                New York            Wisconsin
Kansas              North Carolina      Wyoming



Fairbanks (+64.8574,-147.8197)
Alaska Gravity Works. E-mail fyjuggl@aurora.alaska.edu, P.O. Box 756640, Club Box 17, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775. Monday and Friday, 6:30-7:30. Wood Center Multi-Level Lounge, University of Alaska-Fairbanks. Randy Davis, 907-474-6666x3535, e-mail fxrld@aurora.alaska.edu; or Kevin Kacmarynski, 907-474-6666x3188, e-mail fskck1@aurora.alaska.edu.

Ketchikan (+55.353,-131.660)
Dangerous To Ourselves And Others. Tuesday, 7-8:30 PM. McKenzie Furniture. Ken Murray 907-225-6348 (h) 225-8433 (o).

Talkeetna (+62.328,-150.100)
Green Light Circus. Regular summer meetings in circus tent. Mary Langham, 907-376-1455 (w), 907-733-1308 (h); or Mary Farina, 907-733-2673, P.O. Box 867, Talkeetna, AK 99676.


Flagstaff (+35.2037,-111.6590)
Flagstaff Juggling Club. Usually Wednesday, 7-8:30 PM, see home page. Flagstaff Adult Center, 245 N. Thorpe Road (at west end of Birch). Bruce Raup, 520-556-9010 (h), 520-556-7022 (w), e-mail braup@flagmail.wr.usgs.gov, 3270 Gillenwater Drive, Flagstaff, AZ 86001; or Blaise Canzian, 520-779-5132 (w), e-mail blaise@nofs.navy.mil.

Phoenix (+33.4774,-112.0916)
Aerial Mirage Jugglers. Wednesday, 7:30-10 PM. Encanto Park, 14th Avenue, south of Encanto. Timmie Ann Schramm, 602-585-7623, 2326 E. Electra Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85024.

Tempe (+33.4190,-111.9372)
Devils Juggling Club. Friday, 4 PM until dark. Arizona State University, north of Hayden Library. Daryl McCullock, 602-585-8654, 2326 E. Electra Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85024; or Randy Lyman, 602-892-4316, 2200 W. San Angelo #2122, Gilbert AZ, 85234.

Tucson (+32.2316,-110.9529)
University of Arizona Juggling Club. Friday, noon. East side of Old Main. Nathan Williams, 520-884-7987, e-mail nathanw@goodnet.com, 711 N. 6th Avenue, #4, Tucson, AZ 85705; David Kha, 520-623-7125, e-mail DavidKha@AOL.COM, 425 E. 5th Street, Tucson, AZ 85705; or Graham Irvine, 520-299-0452, e-mail irvine@bigdog.engr.arizona.edu, 5549 N. Sapphire Drive, Tucson, AZ.



Arcata (+40.8772,-124.0758)
Humboldt State Juggling Society. Friday, noon-4 PM; In good weather, on the quad near the Humboldt State University Student Center; otherwise in Goodwin Forum in Nelson Hall East or Kate Buchanan Room. Thursday, 7 PM; Founders Hall, Green and Gold Room. Time and location vary in the summer. E-mail jshsu@axe.humboldt.edu. Phyllis Chinn, 707-826-4131, e-mail chinnp@axe.humboldt.edu.

Santa Rosa (+38.4389,-122.7221)
North Bay Circus Group. Wednesday, 6-9 PM, Arlene Francis Center, 99 6th St., Santa Rosa, CA 95401. Instagram. Joe Culpepper, e-mail joe.culpepper@gmail.com.

Atascadero (+35.4899,-120.6661)
Muddy Bog Jugglers. Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 PM. Rotunda, fourth floor, Italianate Building, West Mall and El Camino Real. Bill Robinson or Leslyn Keith.

Berkeley (+37.8731,-122.2587)
Berkeley Juggling Club. Wednesday, 6:00 PM. In front of Evans Hall. If dark or poor weather, in the Hearst Mining Building lobby. Sometimes on Sundays in Willard Park, weather permitting. E-mail info@BerkeleyJuggling.org.

Corona Del Mar (+33.5992,-117.8645)
Orange Jugglers. Friday, 7-10 PM. Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Avenue (at Fifth Avenue), Newport Beach, CA 92625, 714-644-3244. $2. Steve and Michelle Gerdes, 562-497-1097, e-mail OrngeJuglr@aol.com, 5535 Monlaco Road, Long Beach, CA 90808; or Mike Lowry, lowrycpl@ix.netcom.com.

Davis (+38.5450,-121.7438)
Damento Jugglers (Davis/Sacramento). Tuesday, 7-9 PM. Davis Teen Center, 303 3rd Street, at B Street, in the southwest corner of Central Park. Katje Sabin-Newmiller, 916-758-6459, e-mail klsabin@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us, 2816 Loyola Drive, Davis, CA 95616.

Glendora (+34.1381,-117.8606)
Glendora Gravity Labs. Saturday, 4 PM to dusk. Finkbiner Park, 160 N. Wabash Ave., Glendora, usually near playground equipment. Robert McNally, 626-963-7760, e-mail madscientist@gravitylabs.org, 157 N. Glendora Ave., Suite 209, Glendora, CA 91741.

Highland (+34.135,-117.270)
A park near 21st St. in San Bernardino. Roy and Margaret Ann Melanson.

Los Gatos (+37.2217,-121.9828)
Meet Sunday, noon to 2 PM at the park downtown at Santa Cruz Ave and Main Street (all year, in good weather). Nathan Hoover, 408-395-7488, e-mail nhoover@movaris.com, 105 Apricot Lane, Los Gatos, CA 95030; or Jonathan Sjørdal, 408-369-9133, e-mail jsjordal@mv.us.adobe.com.

Palo Alto (+37.4250,-122.1790)
Stanford Court Jugglers. Wednesday, 7:15-10 PM. During school year in Ricker Dining Hall, Sterling Quad, at Governor's Corner on the west side of campus. Summer in Memorial Court, a grassy area just inside the front of the Stanford University Quad. Martin Frost, 650-856-1456 (h), 650-723-2462 (o), e-mail me@cs.stanford.edu, 3065 Louis Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303; or Jake Olefsky, e-mail offsky@leland.stanford.edu.

Palo Alto (+37.4250,-122.1477)
Klutz Press Juggling Club. Saturday, 3:30-5:30 PM. In back of store at 572 College Avenue. 3 blocks north of Page Mill on El Camino, then 1.5 blocks west on College Ave. Free, demo equipment to lend. Klutz Press, 650-424-0739, e-mail KlutzPress@aol.com.

Pasadena (+34.1376,-118.1268)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 5 PM. On the lawn in front of Church Laboratory of Chemical Biology at the SE corner of Wilson Avenue and San Pasqual Street. Jenn Fletcher, 818-395-8438, e-mail fletcherj@starbase1.caltech.edu, Division of Biology 156-29, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125.

Riverside (+33.9707,-117.3292)
Variety and Circus Arts Club. Wednesday, 5-7 PM. PE Building, Room 158, University of California, Riverside. Scott Parker.

San Diego (+32.8932,-117.2000)
Passers By Juggling Club. Wednesday and Friday, 3:45-5 PM. Sorrento Mesa. Call for exact times and location. Kevin Baker, 619-792-3150, e-mail Ajuggler@aol.com; or Tom Stockfisch, 619-546-5388, e-mail tps@msi.com.

San Diego (+33.0463,-117.2661)
San Dieguito Manipulation Society. Tuesday, 6:30-9:30 PM. San Dieguito Boys and Girls Club, 1221 Encinitas Boulevard, Encinitas, CA 92024. Bob Hartman, 760-632-1769, 619-755-9373, e-mail rhartman@weber.ucsd.edu, 958 Ocean View Avenue, Leucadia, CA 92024.

San Francisco (+37.7658,-122.4554)
San Francisco Gutter Jugglers. Sunday, 5:00-8:00 PM. Circus Center Theater at the San Francisco School of the Circus Arts, 755 Frederick Street (at Arguello), San Francisco, CA 94117. Jade Ford, 415-279-3021, JadeJuggler@aim.com.

San Jose (+37.2217,-121.9828)
San Jose Juggling Society. Sunday, noon to 2 PM. At the park in downtown Los Gatos, at Santa Cruz Avenue and Main Street (all year, in good weather). Nathan Hoover, 408-395-7488, e-mail nhoover@movaris.com, 105 Apricot Lane, Los Gatos, CA 95030.

San Jose (+37.3345,-121.8824)
Wednesday, 1:30-3:30 PM. San Jose State University, near the fountain at Fourth and San Carlos Streets. Brad Jackson, 408-924-5129, e-mail jackson@mathcs.sjsu.edu, Math & Computer Science Dept., San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 95192.

San Luis Obispo (+35.2900,-120.6633)
S.L.O. Motion Jugglers. Sunday, 2-4 PM. Santa Rosa Park. Fayme Harper, 805-547-9015, 1344 Madonna Road, #279, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405.

Santa Barbara (+34.4130,-119.8450)
University of California, Santa Barbara Juggling Club. Saturday, 12-4 PM, on the lawn between Ellison Hall and the Science and Engineering wing of the Main Library, or in the University Center on the stage downstairs by Panda Express and Wendy's. Thursday, 7 PM, in the Physical Sciences building. Mark Wilson, 805-961-9574.

Santa Cruz (+36.9922,-122.0620)
UCSC Juggling Class. Thursday, 7:30-10 PM. West Field House, UCSC campus. This is a class for students. Visitors should present themselves as "guest artists" if questioned. Cliff Anderson, 831-459-2501 (o), e-mail cliff@uadvance.ucsc.edu; or Ken Martin, 831-475-2537.

Sebastopol (+38.4044,-122.8457)
Flingin' Fools. Sunday, 3:00 PM, Ragle Ranch Park, 500 Ragle Rd, Sebastopol, CA 95472. Jeff Johnson, 707-318-6133, e-mail jeffrey-1953@msn.com.

Van Nuys (+34.1732,-118.4172)
Safety in Numbers. Thursday, 9:00 PM. Gymnastics Center, Ethel Avenue off Burbank Boulevard, L.A. Valley College, Van Nuys, CA 91401. Mike Washlake, 213-870-0485; or Jack Kalvan, 310-670-0717, e-mail jack@kalvan.net.

Ventura (+34.2593,-119.1992)
Gold Coast Juggling Club. Tuesday, 5-7 PM, at Boys and Girls Club, 1929 Johnson Drive, Ventura, CA 93003. Dennis Goldstein, 805-643-4919, dennis@dennisgoldstein.com, 2674 E. Main #C-195, Ventura, CA 93003.


Boulder (+40.0101,-105.2664)
Jugglers with an Altitude. Monday, 6-9:30 PM. Balch Fieldhouse, University of Colorado, on the west side of the football stadium at Folsom and Colorado. Bruce "Boppo" Tiemann, 303-499-6013, e-mail tiemann@spot.colorado.edu; or Doug Harris, 303-443-9940, e-mail dough@rmii.com.

Colorado Springs (+38.8371,-104.8209)
Pikes Peak Jugglers. Sunday, 3:30-5 PM. Downtown YMCA, 207 N Nevada Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Scott Anthony, 719-630-2102; Dave Ward, e-mail dward@csn.org.

Denver (+39.7555,-105.1456)
Jugglers with an Altitude. Sunday, 5-9 PM. Sunset Beach Health Club, 2650 Alkire Street, Golden, CO 80401. $2. Richard Munoz, 303-986-7939, e-mail rmunoz@peabody.cdams.do.usbr.gov, 203 Wright #105, Lakewood, CO 80228; Greg Ostravich, (h) 303-791-7155, (o) 303-636-7647, e-mail ostravic@tde.com, 9614 S. Whitecliff Place, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126; or Doug Harris, 303-443-9940, e-mail dough@rmii.com.


Hamden (+41.3400,-072.9360)
Suspended Animation Juggling Club. Wednesday, 7-9:30 PM. Keefe Community Center, George Street, off Dixwell Avenue. Tony Komosinski, 203-281-7864, e-mail Tony.Komosinski@asml.com, 12 Greenhill Road, Hamden, CT 06514.

Middletown (+41.558,-072.655)
Wesleyan University Juggling Collective. Monday, 8 PM, Science Center Lobby. Friday, 4 PM, nice weather on Olin Lawn, poor weather in Freeman Fieldhouse, Science Center Lobby. Brian Edwards-Tiekert, e-mail bedwardstiek@wesleyan.edu.

New Haven (+41.3091,-072.9296)
Yale Anti-Gravity Society. Sunday, 2 PM until dark, during school year. On the Old Campus of Yale University, between High and College Streets and between Chapel and Elm Streets. In bad weather, at Jonathan Edwards College Squash Court. Dave Hurwitz, 203-776-5544, e-mail david.hurwitz@yale.edu, P.O. Box 203657, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520; or Fran Favorini, 203-387-5003, e-mail francis.favorini@yale.edu, 190 Ray Road, New Haven, CT 06515.


Newark (+39.6840,-075.7518)
University of Delaware Juggling Club. Friday, 3-6 PM. September to May. On the north mall on the University of Delaware campus, just off of Main Street, or in bad weather, at the Carpenter Sports Building. Jeff Troyan, 610-395-0179, e-mail ejt@enter.net, 3134 Woodlea Road, Orefield, PA 18069; Tom Ford, 302-369-3428, e-mail tford@chopin.udel.edu, 211-12 Towne Court, Newark, DE 19717; or Ed Tee, e-mail ejt@enter.net.

Dist. of Col.

Washington (+38.9649,-077.0756)
U.S. Department of Juggling. Friday, 7:30-9:30 PM. Chevy Chase Community Center, 202-282-2204, 5601 Connecticut Avenue NW (at McKinley), Washington, DC 20015. Bennett Kobb, 703-715-6165, e-mail bkobb@newsignals.com, PO Box 435, Falls Church, VA 22040; or Janell and Tanner Lovelace, 703-671-4764, e-mail jlovelace@dsava.com and e-mail lovelace@netcom.com, 4935 S. 7th Road, Arlington, VA 22204.


Coconut Grove (+25.7190,-080.2780)
Grove Juggling Exchange. Thursday, 7:30-9:30 PM. Breezeway of the Student Union, University of Miami, Coral Gables. David Landowne, 305-661-4847, e-mail dlandown@mednet.med.miami.edu, 6926 SW 62nd Court, South Miami, FL 33143; Pete Brovold, 305-235-7300, e-mail brovold_p@popmail.firn.edu, 12231 S.W. 112 Avenue, Miami, FL 33176.

Coconut Grove (+25.7475,-080.2124)
Miami Jugglerz. Sunday, 12:30-2 PM. Parking lot, Museum of Science and Planetarium. Mark Buchholz, 305-361-5467, e-mail miamijuggler@earthlink.net, 660 Allendale Road, Key Biscayne, FL 33149.

Gainesville (+29.6503,-082.3427)
Ultimate Freestyle Juggling Team. Tuesday and Thursday, 12:45-4 PM. Plaza of the Americas, Newell Drive and Union Drive, University of Florida. E-mail ufjuggle@grove.ufl.edu. Keith Helfrich, 352-373-3696, e-mail balt@grove.ufl.edu, 505 SW 10th Street, Gainesville, FL 32601; Neil Swartz, 352-336-9029, e-mail sailneil@eel.ufl.edu, 360 NW 48 Boulevard, Gainesville, Fl 32607; or Charlie Hairston, e-mail smaug@fdt.net.

Jacksonville (+30.352,-081.603)
First Coast Jugglers. Wednesday, 8-10 PM. University of Jacksonville. Location may vary, so call ahead. Mickey Cecil, 904-725-6198, 8439 Duskin Court, Jacksonville, FL 32216.

Naples (+26.1677,-081.7951)
Tuesday, 7:30-10 PM. Fleischman Park Community Center, 1200 Fleischman Boulevard, 941-649-3492. Bob Goetzelman, 941-267-7223, e-mail bobtnt@peganet.com.

Orlando (+28.605,-081.205)
UCF Jugglers. Sunday, 2-5 PM. University of Central Florida campus. Randy Cabral, 407-273-7024, 3454 Saddle Boulevard #87, Orlando, FL 32826.

Stuart (+27.1860,-080.2480)
Jugglers in Paradise. Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Center for the Arts, 333 Tressler Drive, Stuart, FL 34994. Martinez, 407-223-9678, 1182 Arrowhead Court, Palm City, FL 34990.

Tallahassee (+30.4433,-084.2967)
Tallahassee Juggling Club. Sunday, 3-6 PM, later in summer. On the Union green (good weather) at FSU, in front of Thagard Health Center, behind the pool. FSU Box 67016, Tallahassee, FL 32313; Jay Schroer, 904-222-3364; or Gregory Cohen, 904-385-6463, e-mail infinite@pd.net, 220A W. Thorpe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32303.

Tampa (+27.8671,-082.5254)
Tampa Bay Jugglers Club. Wednesday, 7-9 PM. Port Tampa Recreation Center, 813-839-4438, 4719 Prescott Street, Port Tampa, FL. Ed Kosco, 813-527-1716, 1925 66th Avenue N., St. Petersburg, FL 33702; or Dan Amyx, 813-839-4517, 4517 S. Hale Avenue, Tampa, FL 33611.


Athens (+33.9506,-083.3738)
University of Georgia Juggling Club. Monday, 4 PM to dusk; Thursday, times vary, see schedule. Memorial Hall Ballroom, Sanford Drive, on the left hand side of Sanford Stadium, University of Georgia. Geoff Estes, 706-548-8466, e-mail gestes@sage.coe.uga.edu; or Mo Hendon, e-mail mdh@alpha.math.uga.edu.

Atlanta (+33.7619,-084.3524)
Atlanta Jugglers Association. Tuesday and Thursday, 7-9 PM. Little Five Points Community Center, 1083 Austin Avenue (at Euclid Avenue). L.J. Purtee, 770-509-6915, e-mail ljp@mindspring.com; Toni Shifalo, 404-373-7175, 124 West College Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030; Randy Fenster, 770-671-8259, e-mail rsfenster@ilinks.net, 4084F Dunwoody Park, Atlanta, GA 30338; George Strain, 770-937-9512, e-mail georges@computex.com.

Atlanta (+33.7926,-084.3264)
Emory's Amazing Throwing Up Society. Sunday, 1 PM, during school year. Woodruff PE Center (aka WOODPEC), bottom level. Jonathan Perry, 404-251-4031, e-mail jperr01@emory.edu, P.O. Box 21044, Atlanta, GA 30322; or Michael Gros, e-mail mgros@dooley.cc.emory.edu, P.O. Box 23802, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322.

Atlanta (+33.7730,-084.3964)
Georgia Tech Juggling Club. Wednesday, 7-9 PM. Lobby, Weber Space Science and Technology (SST Building). Jimmy Brokaw, 404-870-5950, e-mail hedgehog@photobooks.com, 326300 Georgia Tech Station, Atlanta, GA 30332.


Lahaina (+20.9159,-156.6934)
Maui Jugglers. Call for meeting info. Norm Estin, 808-667-7676, e-mail docmaui@maui.net, c/o Doctors On Call, Hyatt Regency, #100, 200 Nohea Kai Drive, Lahaina, HI 96761; or Kenn Serrano, 808-661-KENN.

Manoa (+21.2976,-157.8209)
Rainbow Jugglers. Monday, 7:45-10 PM. Studio 2, Athletic/Physical Education Complex, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Tricia Allen, 808-576-3410 or 808-948-8425, P.O. 61967, Honolulu, HI 96839; Steve Case, 808-734-8677; or Gavin Baer, e-mail gavin@compuserve.com.


Coeur d'Alene (+47.6758,-116.7892)
Wednesday, 7 PM. City Park. Linda & Kevin Stroupe, 418 1/2 Reid Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814.

Moscow (+46.7258,-117.0103)
University of Idaho Juggling Club. Monday, 6:30 PM. West Campus Drive. Jason Dearien, 208-882-0345, e-mail dearien@fsr.com.

Pocatello (+42.8604,-112.4314)
ISU Juggling Club. Tuesday, 7 PM. Ballroom, Earl Pond Student Union Building, Idaho State University. Maureen Van Horn, 208-233-1651, e-mail vanhmaur@ucs.isu.edu, P.O. Box 8487, Pocatello, ID 83209.


Aurora (+41.7704,-088.3131)
Up for Grabs Juggling Club. Monday, 7-9 PM. Balcony area, Guy V. Prisco Community Center, McCullough Park, Lake Street (Route 31) and Illinois Avenue. Todd Claxton, 815-286-9069, e-mail tclaxton@lucent.com 560 Rees Street, Hinckley, IL 60520; Scott Schaeffer, 630-979-6866, e-mail juggler@lucent.com; or Steve Rahn, 630-859-1610, 834 Lebanon, Aurora, IL 60505.

Champaign (+40.1048,-088.2318)
Illini Juggling and Unicycle Club. Monday, 8-10 PM. University of Illinois Armory during school year, randomly otherwise. E-mail juggling@uiuc.edu. Chris LaReau, 217-344-0319, e-mail chrisl@wri.com, 901 Shurts Street, Urbana, IL 61801.

Charleston (+39.4823,-088.1741)
Eastern Illinois University Dead Juggler's Society. E-mail cojuggle@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu. Tuesday, 7-10 PM. Student Recreation Center, Lantz Fieldhouse. Kevin Smyk, 217-348-5470, e-mail KJ-Smyk@bgu.edu, 1041 Seventh Street, #302, Charleston, IL 61920; or Keith Wolcott, 217-345-3063 (h), 217-581-6279 (o), e-mail K-Wolcott@bgu.edu, 1041 Westgate Drive, Charleston, IL 61920.

Chicago (+41.9069,-087.6630)
Chicago Juggles. Sunday, 10:30 AM. Pulaski Park Field House, 1419 W. Blackhawk Street, Chicago, IL 60622. In summer, at Oak Street Beach lakefront. Rhonda Horwedel, e-mail horwedel@cig.mot.com.

Chicago (+41.7881,-087.5960)
University of Chicago Juggling Cult. Sunday, 3-4:30 PM; Monday, 8-10 PM; and Friday, 4-6 PM. On the quad, or in Ida Noyes Hall, 1515 E. 59th Street (at Woodlawn), The Cloisters Club, first floor. Campus center and map at 57th Street, between University and Ellis. David "Mort" Mortman, 312-643-9658, e-mail mort@rainbow.uchicago.edu, 5140 S. Hyde Park Boulevard #10A, Chicago, IL 60615.

Chicago (+41.6548,-087.5993)
Juggle 'til You Drop! Thursday, 3-5 PM, Carver Park, 939 East 132nd Street, Chicago, Illinois 60608. Friday, 3-5 PM, Madden Park, 3800 S. Rhodes Avenue. Barry Rapoport, 773-256-0550, e-mail brapopor@teacher.depaul.edu; Ray Richard, Carver Park, 773-821-9534; or Catherine Powell, Madden Park, 312-747-6446.

Glenview (+42.0879,-087.8500)
GBS Juggling Club. Friday, 3 PM. S.E. Cafeteria, Glenbrook South High School, 4000 W. Lake Avenue, Glenview, IL 60025. Jim Shellard, 847-729-2000; or Jeff Dillon, 847-998-0859, e-mail j_nollid@hotmail.com.

Lincolnshire (+42.1967,-087.9459)
Toss Up Juggling Club. Thursday, 3:45 to 6 PM. Glass Commons Area, Stevenson High School, One Stevenson Drive, Lincolnshire, IL 60069. Visitors must contact us first. Larry Scalzitti, 847-634-4000 (voice mail 618), e-mail lscalzit@district125.k12.il.us.

Rock Island (+41.4956,-090.5717)
Quad Cities Juggling Club. Thursday, 6-8 PM. The Villa, 2000 16th Avenue. Dusty Galbraith, 309-755-8072, e-mail dusty712@qconline.com, 712 Fourth Avenue, Silvis, IL 61282; Bob Graham, 309-944-6722; or Chuck Field, 319-391-3750.


Bedford (+38.860,-086.491)
Suspended Entertainment. E-mail: SuspendedEntertainment@juggling.org. Steve Booker, 812-278-9413, 1329 Fourth Street, Bedford, IN 47421.

Bloomington (+39.1700,-086.5206)
Indiana University Juggling Club. Tuesday, 9-11:30 PM. Gym 163, HPER Building, Seventh Street. Ward Myers, 812-857-3580, e-mail wamyers@indiana.edu; Jay Bhatt, e-mail jbhatt@indiana.edu; or Adrian Butler, e-mail abutler@indiana.edu.

Fort Wayne (+41.0769,-085.1355)
Jugglers Anonymous. Wednesday, 8-9:30 PM. Central YMCA, 1020 S. Barr Street (at Jefferson), Fort Wayne, IN 46802. Dave Wilkins, 219-426-4196, 2012 Poinsette Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46808; Dave Parnin, 219-637-3420, e-mail parnin@slip.net, 11734 Champagne Court, Fort Wayne, IN 46845; or Valjane Langohr, 219-422-1786, 1430 Stophlet Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46804.

Notre Dame (+41.7006,-086.2384)
Notre Dame Juggling Club. Meeting times vary. University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. E-mail: juggling@nd.edu. Juggling Club, Student Activities, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Matthew Winter, 219-634-3230, e-mail mwinter1@nd.edu.

Plymouth (+41.350,-086.327)
The Plymouth Juggling Club. Time and location vary. Al Eisenhour, 219-936-5055, e-mail ehi@tnaisp.com, 14680 W. Lincoln Highway, Plymouth, IN 46563.

Valparaiso (+41.4623,-087.0435)
Valparaiso University Juggling Organization. Friday, 3:30 PM. Grassy area by the tree between Moellering Library and the Student Union, or in the Alumni Hall study lounge in bad weather. Lisa Miller, 219-464-6474, e-mail LMM0608@exodus.valpo.edu, 105 Alumni Hall, Valparaiso, IN 46383; or Anne, 219-464-6433.

West Lafayette (+40.445,-086.912)
Purdue University Juggling Club. E-mail juggle@expert.cc.purdue.edu. Wednesday, 8-10 PM, Purdue Armory. Sunday, 2-4 PM, in the North Gym of the COREC building, or a squash court directly beneath the North Gym. In nice weather, on the Purdue Memorial Mall. Steve Bell, 317-497-3854 (h), 317-494-1956 (o), e-mail bell@math.purdue.edu, Mathematics Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907.


Ames (+42.0271,-093.6485)
ISU/Ames Juggling Club. Tuesday and Thursday, 8-10 PM. East Basement of State Gym, south of Beyer Gym, near the Student Health Center. Friday, 2-5 PM. Hub/Library, or if raining in the basement of State Gym. E-mail ISUJCinfo@iastate.com.

Cedar Rapids (+42.0047,-091.6411)
Five Seasons Juggling Club. Meets irregularly. Scott Haney, 319-366-1465, e-mail olivia@olivia.cedar-rapids.ia.us, 2721 Franklin Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402.

Des Moines (+41.5882,-093.6183)
Iowa Juggling Society. Saturday, 1-3 PM. Riverfront YMCA, 101 Locust Street, Des Moines, IA 50309. Tim Earp or Bill Petsche, 515-279-9030, e-mail Tim.Earp@drake.edu, 2813 Cottage Grove #5, Des Moines, IA 50311.


Manhattan (+39.1800,-096.5758)
Little Apple Juggling Club. Tuesday, 6 PM. Normally, south side of Manhattan City Park (winter location TBD). Joel Moots, 785-210-9232, jammoots@gmail.com. All levels of juggling and unicycles welcome.

Lawrence (+38.9560,-095.2506)
KU Juggling Club. Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30 PM. Combative Sports Room, Robinson Gymnasium, Naismith Drive and Sunnyside Boulevard. Friday, 1:00 PM, in front of Strong Hall, Jayhawk Boulevard (+38.9581,-095.2474). Scott Workman, 913-841-4203, e-mail sworkmad@falcon.cc.ukans.edu, 826 Kentucky Street, Apt. 4, Lawrence, KS 66044; or Scott Mallonee, 913-749-7540, e-mail diabolo@falcon.cc.ukans.edu.

Wichita (+37.687,-097.343)
The Jayhawk Jugglers. Time and location vary. Dan Fitzgerald, 316-265-7178, 1309 N. Topeka Avenue, Wichita, KS 67214; or Mike Ehrstein, 316-733-8575.




Topsham (+43.9243,-069.9428)
Gravity Kills Juggling Club. Spring, Summer, and Fall: Saturday, 4-8 PM; the Foreside Road recreation field. Winter: Wednesday, 7 AM; Mt. Ararat High School. Jon Groner, 207-729-6755, e-mail emgroner@ime.net, 12 Old Farm Road, Topsham, ME 04086.


College Park (+38.9873,-076.9417)
University of Maryland Juggling Club. Monday and Wednesday, 5-6 PM; Friday, 3-4 PM. McKeldin Mall, by the sundial. In poor weather at the ticket lobby in Cole Field House or Stamp Student Union. Dav Clark, 301-779-6846, e-mail dav@glue.umd.edu, 3109 Rosemary Lane, Hyattsville, MD 20783; Nate Bender, e-mail scytale@wam.umd.edu; Wes Griffin, e-mail wgriffin@wam.umd.edu; or Matthew Ries, e-mail mries@Glue.umd.edu.


Amherst (+42.3889,-072.5292)
U. Mass Juggling Club. Friday, 3-6 PM. No meeting January and June to August. U. Mass Campus Center.

Boston (+42.3485,-071.1010)
Boston University Juggling Association. Tuesday, 7 PM. SCI 115, Metcalf Science Center, 590 Commonwealth Avenue. E-mail buja@bu.edu. Dave Maxwell, 617-353-5876, e-mail dmaxwell@bu.edu, B11, 48 Cummington Street, Boston, MA 02215; or Mark Donahue, e-mail donahue@bu.edu.

Cambridge (+42.3772,-071.1200)
Harvard Juggling Club. Sunday, 2-4 PM. Poor weather, in Hemenway Gymnasium, 617-495-2222, in squash courts. Good weather, in Tercentenary Theatre, outside of Widener Library. Harvard Juggling Club, e-mail juggling@hcs.harvard.edu, 1296 Harvard Yard Mail Center, Cambridge, MA, 02138. Club mailing list, juggling-list@hcs.harvard.edu. Dan Cousin, 617-493-3708, e-mail cousin@fas.harvard.edu; or Marshall Perrin, 617-493-3659, e-mail mperrin@hcs.harvard.edu.

Cambridge (+42.3590,-071.0920)
MIT Juggling Club. Sunday, 3:30-6:30 PM. In front of the Student Center and Kresge Auditorium, or in the lobby of Building 10 (or 13) on the MIT campus. Arthur Lewbel, 781-862-3089 (h), 781-736-2258 (o), e-mail Lewbel@binah.cc.brandeis.edu, 3 Audubon Road, Lexington, MA 02173.

Deerfield (+42.5666,-072.5595)
Deerfield Academy Juggling Club. Deerfield Academy, 413-772-0241, Deerfield MA, 01342.

Falmouth (+41.546,-070.608)
Cape Cod Quasi Juggling Club. Wednesday, 7:30 PM. Falmouth Recreation Building, 790 Main Street, Falmouth, MA 02540. Al Moniz, 508-540-4305; or Bob, 508-540-5448.

Falmouth (+41.5273,-070.6727)
Woods Hole Juggling Club. Summer, 6:30-9 PM. Field behind the Marine Biological Laboratory's Swope Center. Ben FrantzDale, e-mail Benfd764@aol.com, 764 So. East Street, Amherst, MA 01002, or Ben FrantzDale, 8 Mill Field Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543.

Great Barrington (+42.1940,-073.3647)
Berkshire Juggling Club. May to September: Tuesday, 6-8 PM, at the gazebo behind the Great Barrington Town Hall. October to April: Friday, 7-10 PM, in the gym, Searles Middle School, 79 Bridge Street, (+42.1931,-073.3608). Don Scott, 413-229-2620 (h), 413-274-3345 (o), e-mail adscott@bcn.net, HC 68 Box 171, Southfield, MA 01259; Alex Rhinelander, e-mail ASRhinelan@aol.com; or Roger Reed, e-mail Jester@vgernet.net.


Ann Arbor (+42.2769,-083.7368)
Jugglers of Ann Arbor. Tuesday, 6-9 PM. On the diagonal of the University of Michigan, weather permitting. Call to confirm. Paul Kyprie, 313-449-0999, 608 Six Mile Road, Whitmore Lake, MI 48189; or Jim Beals, 313-741-1281, 1217 W. Huron #1, Ann Arbor, MI 48103.

Ann Arbor (+42.2756,-083.7412)
University of Michigan Juggling Club. Friday, 3-6 PM. Michigan Union. Paul Kyprie, 313-449-0999, 608 Six Mile Road, Whitmore Lake, MI 48189.

Battle Creek (+42.3100,-085.2064)
Jugglers of Cereal City. Time and location vary. Randy O'Neil, 312 Burr Street, Battle Creek, MI 49015.

East Jordan (+45.158,-085.130)
Jordan Valley Jugglers Club. Wednesday, 7-9 PM. East Jordan Civic Center. Tom Petrie, 616-536-7134, 29 Manning Drive, E. Jordan, MI 49727.

Lansing (+42.7355,-084.5173)
The Jugglers of MSU. Wednesday, 6:30-8:45 PM, Foster Community Center, 200 N. Foster Avenue, Lansing MI, 48912. Sunday, 1-5 PM, The Old Pump House, East Lansing, Linden and Orchard streets, (+42.7375,-084.4742). Heather (Hez) Naylor, 517-351-5452, e-mail naylorhe@pilot.msu.edu, 318 Linden Street, East Lansing, MI 48823; John Arnold, 517-372-6521, P.O. Box 81, Okemos, MI 48912; or Dan Kurkowski, e-mail DKurkow144@aol.com.

Midland (+43.6025,-084.1867)
Midland Juggling Club. Thursday, 6-8 PM. The gym, Salvation Army, 330 Waldo Avenue, Midland, MI 48642. Daylight and weather permitting, late spring through early fall, at the Chippewasee (Tridge) Park (+43.6114,-084.2475). $1 per person when at the Salvation Army. David Guenther, 517-835-2364, e-mail daguenth@alpha.delta.edu, 1710 S. Meridian Road, Midland, MI 48640; Chris Dann, 517-631-0021, e-mail cdann@tardis.svsu.edu; or Jeff Scorsone, 517-793-7516, e-mail therion@cris.com.

Motor City (+42.5954,-082.8909)
Motor City Juggling Club. Wednesday, 7:30-9 PM. Wilson Gym and School Grounds, NW corner of S. Wilson Blvd. and Church Street. Dave Lewis, 248-362-1497, 209 Olympia, Troy, MI 48084; or Jerry Carson, 248-548-0331, e-mail juggler@smilesgalore.com, 74 Wellesley, Pleasant Ridge, MI 48069.


Bloomington (+44.8287,-093.3293)
Normandale Community College Juggling Club. Meeting times vary. Sharon Harvey, 612-832-6548, c/o Normandale Community College, 9700 France Avenue S., Bloomington, MN 55431; or Dennis Gilbert, 612-881-8818, 8016 Harriet Avenue S., Bloomington, MN 55420.

Edina (+44.9003,-093.3497)
Edina "Wise Guys" Juggling Club. Wednesday, 4-5:30 PM; and Saturday, 12-3 PM. Auditorium or Room 145, Edina Community Center, 5701 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55424. Paul R. Arneberg, 612-928-2661, (o), 612-825-1713 (h), 4305 Elliot Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN 55407.

Minneapolis (+44.9594,-093.2311)
Minnesota Neverthriving. Monday, 7-9 PM. Also Saturday, 1-4 PM, during the school year. Gym, Matthews Park Center, Seward School, 612-370-4950, 2309 28th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55406. Jerry Martin, 612-861-7993, e-mail marti098@gold.tc.umn.edu, 7336 Lyndale Avenue South, Richfield, MN 55423; or Dan Westacott, 612-331-7651, e-mail d-west@ais.umn.edu, 622 14th Avenue SE, #1, Minneapolis, MN 55414.

Minneapolis (+44.9762,-093.2304)
Juggling Club at the University of Minnesota. Tuesday and Thursday, 3-5 PM, 3rd floor gym, Cooke Hall, on University Avenue just west of Oak Street; Saturday, 2-5 PM, by the track in the Field House, next to Cooke Hall. In good weather, the club meets on the grass outside Walter Library, 2 blocks west of Cooke Hall.

Rochester (+44.0314,-092.4517)
Rochester Juggling Club. Thursday, 6:30-8:30 PM. Summer at Silver Lake Park, winter at Peace United Church of Christ, 1503 2nd Avenue NE (+44.0375,-092.4599). E-mail RochesterMN@juggling.org. Andy Arhelger, 507-281-6371, 5723 45th Avenue NW, Rochester, MN 55901.


Jackson (+32.3475,-090.0626)
Jackson Jugglers. Saturday, 10 AM to noon. Winner's Circle Park (near the stage), 100 Winner's Circle, Flowood, MS 39232. Charley Belote, BelCon601@gmail.com.

Oxford (+34.3656,-089.5330)
Thursday, 5:30-7 PM. Ole Miss campus, in the Grove. Rob Black, 601-281-8782, e-mail chjrb@olemiss.edu; or Carl Raffa, 601-236-7775, e-mail ccraffa@olemiss.edu.


Columbia (+38.9458,-092.3275)
The Y's Jugglers. Tuesday, 7-9 PM. Memorial Union, University of Missouri campus. Y's Jugglers, 314-882-1550, A022 Brady Commons, Columbia, MO 65211. Gus Mueller, 314-443-0540, e-mail c616513@showme.missouri.edu, 1029 Ashland Road, Apt. 1302, Columbia, MO 65201.

Kansas City (+39.122,-094.552)
I Think I'll Pass (A Juggling Club). Sunday, 2-5 PM. Location varies. Mark Killingsworth, 913-631-4973, 6532 Switzer Lane, Shawnee, KS 66203; or Larry MacDonald, 816-796-8482, 20001 E. 14th North, Independence, MO 64056.

Rolla (+37.9519,-091.7771)
UMR Juggling Club. Poor weather, Tuesday, 9:30 PM, Miner Recreation Building, E. 10th Street at Highway 63. Good weather, Wednesday, 3:30 PM, The Puck in the center of campus (+37.9535,-091.7734). E-mail juggle@umr.edu. Jeff Hansen, 573-364-4947, e-mail jhansen@umr.edu; or Brett Dooley, 573-364-4841, e-mail doole@umr.edu, P.O. Box 667, Rolla, Mo 65402.

St. Louis (+38.6845,-090.4581)
St. Louis Juggling Club. Monday, 7:30-9:30 PM. Hope Presbyterian Church, 1443 Ross Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63146. Joe Welling, 314-776-5333, 2111 Alfred Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110; or Bill Thayer, 314-821-5299, e-mail thayer@stl-online.net, 511 Goethe Ave., Kirkwood, MO 63122.

St. Louis (+38.5685,-090.4205)
St. Louis Community College Juggling Club - The MAJOR. Thursday, 12-1 PM. In the quad by the Student Center, Meramec Community College. Bill Thayer, 314-821-5299, e-mail thayer@stl-online.net, 511 Goethe Ave., Kirkwood, MO 63122.


Great Falls (+47.505,-111.291)
Great Falls Jugglers Association. Meeting time and location varies, call ahead. Jim Hayes, 406-453-0617, 2611 First Avenue S., Great Falls, MT 59401.


Lincoln (+40.7987,-096.6728)
Lincoln City Jugglers. Wednesday, 6:30 PM to dark; Sunday, 3:30-6 PM. The bandshell in Antelope Park, 33rd and A. Time and locations vary. Rick Prevett, 402-476-0715, e-mail RickPrev@aol.com, 2344 South 22nd Street, Lincoln, NE 68502; or Patrick Donohoe, 402-474-0703 (o), 1937-C Street, Lincoln, NE 68502.

Omaha (+41.3019,-095.9979)
Omaha Juggling Club. Monday, 7:30-9 PM. North Side Christian Church, 5555 Larimore Avenue, Omaha, NE 68104. Renee Crosby, 402-493-5085 (h), 402-559-4087 (o), e-mail rcrosby@unmc.edu; or Brian Phillips, e-mail phillips@radiks.net.


Las Vegas (+36.1110,-115.1447)
Las Vegas Juggling Club. Monday, 7:30-9:30 PM. Room 508, McDermott Physical Education Building, UNLV. $4 per person fee. Jason Showers, 702-837-8873, e-mail jnshowrz@lvcm.com; or Charlie Stron, 702-362-3556, e-mail Charlie@CharlietheClown.com.

New Hampshire

Durham (+43.1362,-070.9327)
University of New Hampshire Juggling Club. Thursday, 5:30-7:30 PM. Thompson Hall Lawn. Jason Paul, e-mail jep@iol.unh.edu; or Brian Miller, e-mail brianm@nh.ultranet.com.

Hanover (+43.7020,-072.2887)
Dartmouth Juggling Club. Sunday, 9-10:30 PM, during school year. The Top of the Hop (second floor of the Hopkins Center, in the front, with all the big windows). E-mail Juggling-Club@dartmouth.edu. Bill Fisher, 603-646-3648, e-mail William.W.Fisher@dartmouth.edu.

New Jersey

Bridgewater (+40.6299,-074.6222)
B-R Best Juggling Club. 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. Hillside School, 844 Brown Road, Bridgewater, NJ 08807. Corinne Ozolins, 908-805-3037, 1861 Ridge Road, Martinsville, NJ 08836.

Lakewood (+40.0990,-074.1950)
Lakewood High School Jugglers. Tuesday, 2:30-5 PM, during school year. Lakewood High School, 855 Somerset Avenue, Lakewood, NJ 08701. Rachel Friedman, 908-363-6924.

Lakewood (+40.0939,-074.2126)
Monmouth/Ocean Jugglers Organization. Summer: Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 PM. Lakewood Public Library activity room, Lexington Avenue, between 3rd and 4th Streets, two blocks west of Route 9. During school year: Thursday, 8-9:30 PM, Lakewood High School (+40.0990,-074.1949). Joe Miller, 908-905-0806, jlm@exit109.com.

Morris Plains (+40.8433,-074.4631)
The Jersey Juggling Society. Tuesday, 7:30-9:30 PM. Littleton Elementary School gymnasium. Peter Bradley, 973-292-2468 (h), 973-887-8800x131 (o), 18 Medford Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950; or Steve Salberg, 973-586-3132 (h), 973-677-2819 (o), e-mail diabolo@planet.net, 41 Merrie Trail, Denville, NJ 07834.

New Brunswick (+40.5228,-074.4592)
Three Ball Underground. Wednesday, 9-11:30 PM. 2nd Floor, Rutgers Student Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, off Route 18 north. Seth Markowitz, 908-745-8106, e-mail shlomo@eden.rutgers.edu; Mike Jarosz, 908-878-1146, e-mail juggler@eden.rutgers.edu; Kerry Guarino, e-mail kguarino@eden.rutgers.edu; or Mike Rubel, e-mail mikrubel@eden.rutgers.edu.

Princeton (+40.3462,-074.6545)
Princeton University Jugglers. Sunday, 2-4 PM. Behind Nassau Hall or in Dillon Gym. Lorenzo Caruso, 718-266-4042, 1984 W. 11th St., Apt. 1, Brooklyn, NY 11223.

Westfield (+40.6545,-074.3480)
The Flying Apple Corps. Meetings temporarily suspended. Todd Elmore, 908-889-9260, e-mail ToddElmore@home.com; or Jason Schneider, 908-232-8745, e-mail schneid@gandalf.rutgers.edu.

New Mexico

Albuquerque (+35.084,-106.619)
"A" Juggling Club. Friday, 7 PM. Auxiliary Gym, Johnson Center, University of New Mexico. Rick Torzynski, 505-246-8081, e-mail rtorzyns@unm.edu.

Santa Fe (+35.679,-105.954)
May be inactive. Michael Gold, e-mail mgold@isd.state.nm.us.

Socorro (+34.0661,-106.9062)
Jugglers, Jeonglers, and Juggheads. E-mail jjj@mailhost.nmt.edu. Tuesday and Thursday, 7-9 PM. Student Activities Center (SAC), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. K. Scott Rowe, 505-835-1796 (h), 505-835-6013 (o), e-mail kscott@mailhost.nmt.edu, Box 3422 C/S, Socorro, NM 87801; or Leonard Kinney, e-mail llk@mailhost.nmt.edu.

New York

Albany (+42.6606,-073.7824)
Albany Juggling Club. Time and location vary. Call first. Brian Tomaszewski, 518-489-8258, 503 Hudson Street, Apt 2, Albany, NY 12203; or Bruce Engholm, e-mail bengholm@mhv.net.

Binghamton (+42.0886,-075.9678)
Binghamton Juggling Institute. Wednesday, 7-9 PM. Mandela Room, Student Union, SUNY Binghamton. David Bywater, 607-777-9367.

Buffalo (+43.0010,-078.7866)
Buffalo Juggling Club. Winter, Saturday, 1-3 PM; University of Buffalo, North Campus, upstairs in the Student Union. Summer, Monday, 7-9 PM; Rose Garden, by Lincoln statue, Delaware Park (+42.9321,-078.8738). Jim Neff, 716-773-3118, 2134 Harvey Road, Grand Island, NY 14072; Sean Howard, e-mail showard@visdesigns.com; or Jerry House, 716-837-8498, e-mail ae449@freenet.buffalo.edu, 300 Highgate Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14215.

Hyde Park (+41.7917,-073.8603)
Mid-Hudson Juggling Club. September to April, Monday 6-8 PM, Netherwood Elementary School, Netherwood Road, Route 41, Hyde Park, NY 12538. May to September, Monday, 6:30-sunset, Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site, 519 Albany Post Road, Route 9, Hyde Park, NY 12538 (+41.7965,-073.9400). Bruce Engholm, 914-229-7681, e-mail bengholm@mhv.net, 645 Albany Post Road, Hyde Park, NY 12538; Ethan Gold, e-mail etgold@cs.vassar.edu; or Jamie Gregerson, 914-229-7941, e-mail jimg@pk705vma.vnet.ibm.com.

Ithaca (+42.4500,-076.4814)
Cornell Juggling Club. Friday, 6:15 PM. Physical Sciences Building, atrium. 245 Feeney Way, Ithaca, NY 14853. E-mail: jugglingclub@cornell.edu. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CornellJuggling/.

New York (+40.7291,-074.0057)
New York City Jugglers aka The Carmine Street Irregulars. Thursday, 7:30-10 PM. Carmine Recreation Center, 212-242-5228, 7th Avenue South (Varrick) at Clarkson/Carmine Street, 1 block north of Houston Street, West Village. Must bring gym clothes. Reed Payne, 914-328-9485, e-mail JuglPaynes@aol.com, 79 N. Broadway, Apt. H-1, White Plains, NY 10603; or Sky King, 212-280-6801, e-mail sky1@tiac.net.

New York (+40.8084,-073.9638)
The Columbia University Kings Court Jugglers. Sunday, 4 PM. Barnard Gym, Broadway at 117th street. Samuel L. Zimmerman, 212-853-7734, e-mail slz1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu, 1006 Wien Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027; or Ajay K. Dhawan, 212-853-2254, e-mail akd4@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu, 1302 Schapiro Hall, 605-15 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025.

Poughkeepsie (+41.6866,-073.8980)
Mid-Hudson Juggling Club. October to March, Friday, 7-9 PM, Villard Room, 2nd floor College Center, Main Building, Vassar College, Raymond Avenue. April to September, Friday, 5 PM to dusk, Library lawn, Vassar College campus, Raymond Avenue. Call first, due to occasional closures, such as term breaks. Joseph Manning, 914-437-5991 (office), 914-437-7119 (home), e-mail manning@cs.vassar.edu; or Bruce Engholm, 914-229-7681, e-mail bengholm@mhv.net, 645 Albany Post Road, Hyde Park, NY 12538; or Ethan Gold, e-mail etgold@cs.vassar.edu.

Rochester (+43.1585,-077.5837)
Rochester Juggling Club. Sunday, 1-4 PM. Village Gate Square, second floor, 274 Goodman St. N, Rochester, NY 14607. Greg Moss, 716-671-1143 (h), 716-475-2610 (o), e-mail gamped@ritvax.isc.rit.edu, 479 Manse Lane, Rochester, NY 14625; or Ted Baumhauer, e-mail TedJup@rochester.rr.com.

Rochester (+43.100,-077.680)
RIT Juggling Club. Monday and Wednesday, 12-1 PM. Student Life Center, mini-gym, Rochester Institute of Technology. Greg Moss, 716-671-1143 (h), 716-475-2610 (o), e-mail gamped@ritvax.isc.rit.edu, 479 Manse Lane, Rochester, NY 14625; or Stuart Montgomery, e-mail sdm3151@cs.rit.edu.

Rochester (+43.1289,-077.6299)
The Strong Jugglers. Tuesday and Thursday, 7-9 PM, May Room, 4th floor, Wilson Commons, University of Rochester. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StrongJugglers/. E-mail TheStrongJugglers@gmail.com.

Rye Brook (+41.0300,-073.6827)
Westchester Jugglers Country Club. September-June: Tuesday, 7-9 PM. Multipurpose Room, Bruno Ponterio Ridge Street School, N. Ridge Street, just north of the Hutchinson River Parkway. Call for summer info. Bob Howard, 914-939-7146 (h), 212-818-9000 (o), e-mail rhoward@hgg.com, 8 Winthrop Drive, Rye Brook, NY 10573-1441; or Reed Payne, 914-328-9485, e-mail JuglPaynes@aol.com, 79 N. Broadway, Apt. H-1, White Plains, NY 10603.

Stony Brook (+40.917,-073.125)
Stony Brook University Juggling Club. Joe Barresi, e-mail Joseph.Barresi@sunysb.edu.

Troy (+42.7318,-073.6780)
RPI Juggling & Unicycling Club. Wednesday 7-9 PM and Sunday 1-4 PM, September to May. ABC Room, '87 Gym. Jesse Schell or Jeff McGinley, 518-276-7941, 024 Voorhees Hall, RPI, Troy, NY 12180; Randy Staraduv, 518-276-4668; Alec Bateman, e-mail batema@rpi.edu; or Eric Frey, 518-276-7940.

Williamsville (+43.0230,-078.7371)
Williamsville North Juggling Club. Thursday, 2:45-4. Band Room, Williamsville North High School, 1595 Hopkins Road. Bernie Sanders, e-mail cc484@freenet.buffalo.edu; or Mark Percy, e-mail MJPercy@aol.com.

North Carolina

Asheville (+35.5980,-082.5612)
Western North Carolina Juggler's Association. Tuesday, 7-9 PM. Montford Community Center. Walter Beals, 704-626-2567, e-mail coldfish@wnc.com, 309 Rosscraggon Road, Arden, NC 28704; or Rod Pratt, 704-274-0648, 1094 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, NC 28803.

Charlotte (+35.2083,-080.8485)
Charlotte Jugglers Association. Thursday, 6 PM. Latta Park Recreation Center, 510 E. Park Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28203. Martin Beam, 704-399-2626, 5418 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, NC 28208; or Mike Heidtman, 704-394-0081, 3150 Timberbrook Drive, Charlotte, NC 28208.

Davidson (+35.4989,-080.8538)
Davidson College Juggling. Sunday, 3-5 PM. Ada Jenkins Center, 212 Gamble St. Bill Giduz, 704-609-1077, e-mail bigiduz@davidson.edu, Box 443, Davidson, NC 28036.

Durham (+36.0026,-078.9252)
Duke Juggling Club. Sunday, 1-3 PM. Wilson Recreation Center, Duke University. Fran Favorini, e-mail francis.favorini@duke.edu; Ethan Van Brunt, 919-613-0999, e-mail eov@duke.edu.

Kernersville (+36.1388,-080.0491)
Triad Juggling Club. Saturday, 10 AM to noon. First Christian Church Ministries, Sign in at the front desk at the church and they'll point you to the right gym. E-mail info@TriadJugglingClub.com; 1130 North Main Street, Kernersville, NC 27284.

Raleigh (+35.7827,-078.6728)
NC State Juggling Club. Thursday, 6:30-9 PM. Squash court, room 110, southeast corner of Carmichael Gymnasium, or in the field south of the gym near the archery range in good weather. Karl Guth, 919-821-1420; or Duane Deardorff, 919-851-2626, e-mail duane_deardorff@ncsu.edu, 2621 Avent Ferry Road, Raleigh, NC 27606.

Raleigh (+35.7858,-078.6780)
P.L.U.N.G.E. - NCSU's Juggling Club. Wednesday, 4:30-6:30 PM. Behind Lee Residence Hall. Manoj Viswanathan, 919-512-3779, e-mail mviswan2@unity.ncsu.edu, 305B Sullivan Hall, Box 16062, NCSU, Raleigh, NC 27607.

North Dakota

Fargo (+46.8816,-096.7896)
First Assembly of Jugglers. Monday, 7:30-9:30 PM. Variety Arts Studio, 503 1/2 North Seventh Street. Larry Olson, 701-232-6360, 701-232-1646, 1518 N. Third Avenue, Fargo, ND 58102.

Fargo (+46.897,-096.806)
NDSU Juggling Club. Wednesday, 8:30 PM. Bentson/Bunker Fieldhouse. Kristopher Setnes, e-mail setnes@badlands.NoDak.edu; David Straley, e-mail straley@badlands.NoDak.edu; or Clark Merkel, e-mail merkel@plains.NoDak.edu.


Akron (+41.0383,-081.5111)
Rubber City Jugglers. Monday, 7-8:30 PM. Gym, St. Paul's Catholic Church, 433 Mission Drive (enter from Greenlawn), Akron, OH 44301. Scott Slesnick, 330-494-4827, e-mail SlesnickS@dkt.com, 4436 Greenmeadow NW, Canton, OH 44709; or Russ O'Brien, 330-678-3170, e-mail mister04@aol.com, 6281 Fifth Avenue, Kent, OH 44240. First visit free, then $1.

Athens (+39.3268,-082.1002)
Ohio University Juggling Club. Thursday and Sunday, 5-7 PM. College Green. Robert Vancko, 614-593-3706, e-mail vancko@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu.

Cincinnati (+39.1254,-084.4840)
Cincinnati Club Club. Tuesday, 5:45-7:45 PM. Williams YMCA in East Walnut Hills, 1228 E. McMillan Street, Cincinnati, OH 45206. Rochelle McCollom, 513-867-8848, e-mail ram@iglou.com, 7109 Iron Kettle Drive, Hamilton, OH 45011; Scott Sorensen, 513-221-2105, e-mail juggle12@iglou.com, 6034 Kennedy, Cincinnati, OH 45213; Dina Scharnhorst, 513-542-0605; or Andy Hammond, e-mail hammonaw@email.uc.edu.

Cleveland (+41.4828,-081.7074)
St. Ignatius High School Circus Company. Wednesday, 3-5 PM. Murphy Fieldhouse, St. Ignatius High School, 1911 W. 30th Street (at Lorain Avenue), Cleveland, OH 44113. Art Thomas, 216-651-0222x243 (o), 216-228-0022 (h), e-mail AThomas078@AOL.com; Andrew Johnson, e-mail ajohnson@wviz.org.

Cleveland Heights (+41.5134,-081.5516)
Cleveland Clubheads. Sunday, 2-4:30 PM. Results Fitness Center, Cleveland Heights, southern end of Severance Circle, east of Euclid Heights Boulevard and S. Taylor Road. E-mail Clubheads@aol.com. Erica Kelch, 216-491-1776, e-mail JFoolery@aol.com, P.O. Box 188009 (#159), University Heights, OH 44118; Bob Schutz, 216-942-1870; or Madelyn Dinnerstein, 216-365-3988, e-mail aa4024@lcfn.org.

Columbus (+40.0000,-083.0131)
Ohio State Juggling Club. Friday, 3:30-5:30 PM and other times. In the North Oval. In bad weather in racquetball court #8 in Larkins Hall. Darin Marriott, 614-268-5209, e-mail juggle+@osu.edu, 2359 Summit Avenue, Columbus, OH 43202; or David Aubert, 614-688-2709, e-mail aubert.2@osu.edu, 1822 Lincoln Tower, Columbus, OH 43210.

Dayton (+39.6934,-084.1072)
DAMAJ (Dayton Area Manipulators and Jugglers). Friday, 7-9:30 PM. Indian Riffle Elementary School, 3090 Glengarry Drive (at Stroop Drive). Merry Spahr, 937-372-9316 (h), 937-255-3328 (o); John Phipps, 937-455-9191, 6232 Carnation Road, Dayton, OH 45449; or Darin Marriott, e-mail juggle+@osu.edu.

Dayton (+39.7369,-084.1788)
World's Most Dangerous Juggling Club. Friday, 3-5 PM. Racquetball courts or lounge of the Physical Activities Center (PAC), or on the lawn between Kennedy Union and the tennis courts, University of Dayton. Aaron Lewis, e-mail lewisaar@flyernet.udayton.edu; Jenn Holcomb, 513-285-5613, e-mail holcomjl@saber.udayton.edu, Marycrest Hall 371A, P.O. Box 8802, Dayton, OH 45401; Russ Hardie, 513-229-3178, e-mail rhardie@engr.udayton.edu; or Mark Bartsch, e-mail bartscma@flyernet.udayton.edu.

Dayton (+39.6789,-084.1553)
St. Charles Juggling Club. Lunch time on school days. St. Charles School, 513-434-4933, 4600 Ackerman Boulevard, Dayton, OH 45429.

Elyria (+41.3971,-082.0818)
Windsor Juggling Club. 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 2:45-3:45 PM, September to May. Windsor Elementary School, 264 Windsor Drive, Elyria, OH 44035. Call first. Kathi Mileti, 216-284-8014; or Madelyn Dinnerstein, 216-365-3988, e-mail aa4024@lcfn.org.

Stow (+41.1935,-081.4937)
The Juggling Club Juggling Club. Wednesday, 2:30-4:30 PM. Walsh Jesuit High School, 4550 Wyoga Lake Road. Stan Sever, 216-869-9769 (h), 216-929-4205 (o), 1746 Cromwell #5, Akron, OH 44313.

Toledo (+41.664,-083.582)
The T-town Tossers. Second Tuesday of month. Springfield Township Community Service Building. Jim Thompson, 419-241-7633.

Wooster (+40.8112,-081.9326)
COW Jugglers. Tuesday, 7 PM. The Pit, Lowry Center. Clint Thayer, 216-287-3505, e-mail th96rc17@acs.wooster.edu, Box C-2868, The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH 44691; Matt Mariola, e-mail ma98mj41@acs.wooster.edu; or Mike Carson, e-mail ca98am79@acs.wooster.edu.


Norman (+35.3406,-097.4832)
Oklahoma Jugglers. Wednesday, 6-9 PM. Moore Public Library, 225 S. Howard Avenue (or NE 2nd St. at N Santa Fe St.?), Moore, OK 73160. Call for confirmation. Kevin Holman, 405-366-1127, 1503 High Meadows Drive, Norman, OK 73071; or John Gunser, 405-360-9821, e-mail juglr@intgp1.att.com, 805 Parkside Road, Norman, OK 73072.

Oklahoma City (+35.4615,-097.5169)
OKC's Open Circus Jam. Summer Meetings start in April. The Love's Stage Area, 415 S Robinson Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73109. 6-8 PM or 7-9 PM. Please contact organizers to see which time we are on. Phone: 405-464-1060 or 405-446-0669. E-mail contacthooplahoma@gmail.com. Winter meetings to be announced.

Tulsa (+36.1346,-095.9864)
T-Town Jugglers. Saturday, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM. YWCA (Knights Of Columbus building), 1836 S. Baltimore Avenue (at E. 19th Street), Tulsa, OK 74119-5210. E-mail TimfyToo@aol.com. Randal "Cap'n" Sweeden, 918-299-6561, 12314 S. 14th Street, Jenks, OK 74037; Robert M. Dye, 918-584-6693, e-mail RobDye@writeme.com; or Josh Anglea, 918-266-3818, e-mail janglea@aol.com.


Corvallis (+44.5838,-123.2638)
The Gravity Checkers. First Monday of each month, 7-9 PM. Garfield Elementary School, 1205 NW Garfield Avenue. Enter through gym on 11th Street. Also, in summer, Saturday, 11 AM to 1 PM in Central Park, (+44.5651,-123.2645). Angela Schwindt, 541-758-7246, e-mail youreit@proaxis.com, 325 NW 10th Street, Corvallis, OR 97330; or Parks and Recreation, 541-757-6918.

Eugene (+44.0455,-123.0761)
University of Oregon Juggling Club. Tuesday, 5 PM, basement of Gerlinger Annex (B-50). Weather permitting, Tuesday, 7 PM, in front of the Knight Library. Joshua Coxwell, 503-683-2600, jade@darkwing.uoregon.edu.

Portland (+45.4815,-122.6320)
"No Problem, Easy Pickup" Portland Jugglers. Wednesday, 7-9 PM. Reed College Sports Center, Gym 1. Joe Buhler, 503-636-7190, e-mail buhler@reed.edu, 1750 S. Midvale Road, Portland, OR 97219; or Stuart Celarier, 503-223-8225, e-mail celarier@teleport.com, 3924 SW Hamilton Street, Portland, OR 97221.


Allentown (+40.5988,-075.4841)
Damn, I Think I Broke My Thumb. Winter, 6-8:30 PM, in the church at Thirteenth and Hamilton Street. Summer, Thursday, 6 PM to dark, Cedar Beach Park. Dave Jones, 144 E. Hamilton, Allentown, PA 18103.

Bethlehem (+40.6076,-075.3784)
Disregard For Gravity (Lehigh University Juggling Club). Tuesday, 6-8 PM. Front lawn of Maginnes Hall in good weather. Winter site to be announced. Terry Auspitz, 610-758-0093, e-mail tma2@lehigh.edu, Box F260, 39 University Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015.

Drexel Hill (+39.9567,-075.2972)
Drexel Hill Middle School Juggling Club. Thursday, 3-5:30 PM, during the school year. 3001 State Road, Drexel Hill, PA 19026. Jackie Erickson, 610-853-4580 (o), 610-222-3976 (h).

Easton (+40.6901,-075.2051)
The Easton Sideshow. Sunday, noon to 3 PM; Tuesday, 6 PM to sundown. Scott Park. 128 Larry Holmes Dr., Easton, PA. Jon Kinkel, e-mail JonJuggles@gmail.com.

Kutztown (+40.5128,-075.7852)
Kutztown Jugglers. Sunday, 2-4 PM. Keystone Hall. Dave Jones, 144 E. Hamilton, Allentown, PA 18103; Dave Bause, 610-326-7456 (o), 610-469-6727 (h), 246 King Street, Pottstown, PA 19464; or Jim Stilianos, 610-374-7150, 222 Franklin Street, West Reading, PA 19611.

Norristown (+40.1471,-075.3597)
Isaac Newton Who? Sept.-May, Wednesday, 7:30-9:30 PM. Gym, Norristown Area High School, 1900 Eagle Drive, Norristown, PA 19403. May to September, 6:30 PM to dark. Elmwood Park Bandshell, 1661 Harding Boulevard, (+40.1307,-075.3411). Al Angello, 610-489-7682, 219 Centennial Street, Collegeville, PA 19426.

Philadelphia (+39.9656,-075.1822)
Philadelphia Jugglers Club. Monday, 6:30-9 PM. Mid-April through Mid-October, courtyard at the top of the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Fairmount Park. Mid-October thru Mid-April, Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park. Glenn Ceponis, 609-251-0482, 59 N. Girard Street, Woodbury, NJ 08096; Andy D'Allesandro, 610-667-0146, 358 Trevor Lane, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004; Dave Torok, e-mail torok@i-2000.com; or John Wackerle, 800-I-JUGGLE.

Pittsburgh (+40.4433,-079.9431)
Carnegie Mellon Masters of Flying Objects. E-mail juggle@andrew.cmu.edu. Sunday, 4-6 PM, Newell Simon Hall, Atrium. Wednesday, 6-8 PM, Doherty Hall, Room 2315. In good weather, we meet on the Cut, the grassy area near Forbes Avenue on the CMU campus. Meeting details sometimes change, so contact us before attending your first meeting. Steven Gailey, 412-708-3638, e-mail zeeppo@steelcityclownbrigade.org.

Reading (+40.3595,-075.9683)
Reading Juggling Club. Tuesday, 6:30-8 PM. Grings Mill Park, Tulpehocken Road, across from Penn State University, Berk's campus. Dave Bause, 610-326-7456 (o), 610-469-6727 (h), 246 King Street, Pottstown, PA 19464; Jim Stilianos, 610-374-7150, 222 Franklin Street, West Reading, PA 19611; or Frank Goedeke, e-mail HarmonyGs@aol.com.

University Park (+40.7983,-077.8589)
Penn State Juggling Club. Sunday, 1-3 PM; Room 133, White Building. Wednesday, 7-9 PM; squash courts, White Building. Penn State Juggling Club, HUB Desk, University Park, PA 16802. Adam Koch, 814-862-2769, e-mail aak115@psu.edu; Bethany Molnar, e-mail bam173@psu.edu; or Don Fahnline, e-mail def2@psu.edu.

Rhode Island

Providence (+41.8263,-071.3978)
Out of Hand Juggling Club. Friday, 3-4 PM. Main green, Brown University campus, or in bad weather in the Leung Gallery, Faunce House. Nick Goldsmith, 401-863-6194, e-mail Nicholas_Goldsmith@brown.edu, Box 6090, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912; or Dan Margalit, e-mail juggler@brown.edu.

South Carolina

Charleston (+32.785,-079.994)
Charleston Juggling Club. Call for information. Deena Frooman, 803-577-6947, 9 Montagu Court, Charleston, SC 29401.

Hilton Head Island (+32.1429,-080.7512)
Juggling Club of Hilton Head Island. Tuesday, 6:30 PM. Coligny Plaza, Forest Beach Drive and Pope Avenue, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928. Otis Gunn, 803-671-5253, 3 Cardinal Court, Hilton Head Island, SC 29926.

Columbia (+33.9976,-081.0296)
Columbia Juggling Club. Sunday, 11 AM to 1 PM, weather permitting. The Horseshoe on the University of South Carolina campus, on Sumter Street between College and Greene Streets. CJ Carlisle, 803-772-4757 (h), 803-798-6370x136 (w), e-mail juggler@city-online.com, 3019 Pineshadow Trail, Columbia, SC 29210; Gerry Baygents, 803-772-2425, e-mail rampantdragon@writeme.com; or Bret Goldstein, 803-865-0188, e-mail bretg@mindspring.com.

South Dakota

Rapid City (+44.0738,-103.2043)
Hard Rock Juggling Club. Sunday, 7-9 PM. Old Gym, South Dakota School of Mining and Technology. Peter Stapley, 605-394-2784, e-mail pjs6348@silver.sdsmt.edu, Connoly Hall C308, 501 East St. Joseph Street, Rapid City, SD 57701; or Ben Dines, 605-348-0507, e-mail bed0341@silver.sdsmt.edu, 402 South Street, Rapid City, SD 57701.


Knoxville (+35.9627,-083.9248)
Knoxville Juggling Club. Tuesday, 6:30-8 PM. Candy Factory, Studio 2, 7th floor. Tom Kulaga, 423-573-2930, e-mail tkulaga@utk.edu, 4809 Spring Creek Road, Knoxville, TN 37920.

Nashville (+36.1502,-086.8446)
Music City Jugglers. Tuesday, 5:30-7:30 PM. Winter, upstairs in gym, Cohn/West Nashville Community Education Adult Learning Center, 4805 Park Avenue, Nashville, TN 37209, Elkins and 48th Street (off Charlotte). Summer, in front of the Parthenon at Centennial Park off West End Avenue, across from Vanderbilt University, (+36.1497,-086.8136). Laura Novick, 615-298-5363 (h), 615-322-8141 (o), e-mail novicklr@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu, 1914 Beechwood Avenue, Nashville, TN 37212; or Dan Meyer, e-mail Halfdan@aol.com, 3729 Belle Oaks Drive, Nashville, TN 37013.


Austin (+30.2922,-097.7394)
Texas Juggling Society. Thursday, 7-10 PM. All Saints Episcopal Church, 209 W. 27th Street (at Whitis Avenue), just north of Kinsolving Dorm. E-mail juggler@place.org. Jim Maxwell, 512-458-3276, e-mail jmax@mail.utexas.edu; Deborah Campbell, 512-251-6106 (h), 512-502-5854 (o), e-mail deborah_campbell@crd.lotus.com; or Jason Harris, 512-302-0761, e-mail harrij1@weiss.che.utexas.edu.

Bryan (+30.6442,-096.3502)
Brazos Valley Jugglers. Tuesday, 6:30-9 PM. East end of Manor East Mall, 725 E. Villa Maria Road (at Texas Avenue), Bryan, TX 77802. Clay Blankenship, 409-779-0358, e-mail clay@tamu.edu, Dept. of Meteorology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843; or Brent Cox, 409-823-0680, e-mail bac@tamu.edu, P.O. Box 13811, College Station, TX 77841.

Commerce (+33.2442,-095.9083)
Commerce Area Jugglers. Tuesday, 4:30-6 PM. East lawn, Sam Rayburn Memorial Student Center (MSC), Texas A&M-Commerce. Warren Koepp, 903-886-3988 (h), 903-886-5955 (o), e-mail Warren_Koepp@tamu-commerce.edu; or Dale Henderson, e-mail nilram@boisdarc.tamu-commerce.edu, P.O. Box 3761, Commerce, TX 75429.

Dallas (+32.8206,-096.7289)
Dallas Jugglers Association. Wednesday, 7-10 PM. White Rock Lake Water Pump House, 2900 White Rock Road, Dallas, TX 75214. Logan Daffron, 214-328-JUGL, 618 Coolair Drive, Dallas, TX 75218; or Doug Dell, e-mail exuddd@exu.ericsson.se, 1014 Mill Spring Drive, Garland, TX 75040.

Denton (+33.1899,-097.1448)
Denton Jugglers Association. Meets irregularly, call first. Rodney Barton, 940-321-6525, e-mail rbarton@hsc.unt.edu, 3 Wolters Street, Hickory Creek, TX 75065.

Fort Worth (+32.6949,-097.4115)
Fort Worth Juggling Club. Friday, 6:30-8 PM. Lockheed-Martin Recreation Center, 3400 Bryant Irvin Road. Karyn Jones, 817-377-4744, e-mail kjones45@why.net, 1043 Roaring Springs Road, Fort Worth, TX 76114; or Gary Coulter, e-mail gwc@why.net.

Houston (+29.8500,-095.5045)
Just Passing Through. Tuesday, 7-9 PM. Bally Fitness club, Hollister Road, just north of Highway 290, usually in squash court #1. Claude Sims, 713-466-1151, 713-833-1871 (pager); or Victoria Barclay, 713-783-1616, 6610 Harwin #250, Houston, TX 77036.

Houston (+29.7177,-095.3993)
Rice University Juggling Club. Sunday, 1 PM. In front of Fondren Library.

Houston (+29.7218,-095.3415)
Cougar Flingers Juggling Club. Friday, 1-2 PM. In front of the University of Houston's Anderson Library. In poor weather in the University Center underground. Chandler Wilkerson, 713-428-7372, e-mail st58r@bayou.uh.edu, 4712 Gulfway, Baytown, TX 77521; or Triet Nguyen, 713-433-3738.

McKinney (+33.1710,-096.6400)
McKinney Juggling Club. Thursday, 6:30 PM. McKinney Community Center, 214-542-0045, McKinney, TX 75069. Eldorado Parkway exit from northbound Central Expressway (US 75). Take access road about quarter mile, McKinney Community Center on the right. Ron Zajac, 972-734-0217, e-mail zajac@nortel.com, or John Nord, 972-542-9233, 2330 N. Ridge Road, McKinney, TX 75070.

San Antonio (+29.5168,-098.4402)
Sunday, 10 AM to noon. MacArthur Park, north of loop 410 at Harry Wurzbach Street exit. Brett Nesbit, 210-824-6861, 1127 Olney, San Antonio, TX 78218; Tom Klein, 210-653-7013, 5007 Boquillas Street, San Antonio, TX 78233; or John De Mott, e-mail jdemott@txdirect.net.


Magna (+40.7066,-112.0952)
Cyprus Juggling Club. Cyprus High School, 8623 W. 3000 S. Arwen Hall, e-mail xxerxies@juno.com; or Linda Douglas, 801-250-8600.

Salt Lake City (+40.7416,-111.8748)
Mastering Manipulated Motion. Saturday, noon. Liberty Park, near Tracy Aviary, 589 E. 1300 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84105. Ike Duckworth, 801-969-7045, 5090 Heath Avenue, Kearns, UT 84118; or Jonathan Clark, 801-294-0366, 955 S 200 W, Bountiful, UT 84010.

Salt Lake City (+40.7572,-111.8717)
Wasatch Front Jugglers. Sunday, 3-6 PM. Fountain at Trolley Square Mall, Salt Lake City, UT 84102. Bill King, 801-534-0724 (h), 801-886-1444x120 (o), e-mail bking@xmission.com, 424 A Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84103; Jim de St. Germain, 801-581-5818, e-mail germain@cs.utah.edu, 3190 Merrill Engineering Building, Department of Computer Science, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112; or Brent Jensen, 801-226-6978, 35 S. Sage Drive, Orem, UT 84058.


Brattleboro (+42.8368,-072.5543)
Wild Goose Juggling Club. Wednesday, 7 PM. Pam's School of Dance, 72 Cotton Mill Hill. Maria DeLuca, 802-257-4123, 197 Western Avenue, Brattleboro, VT 05301; or Rick Curtis, e-mail rcurt@Cyberportal.net.

Burlington (+44.4706,-073.1937)
UVM Juggling Club. E-mail juggle@moose.uvm.edu. Monday, 7-9 PM. Patrick Field Gymnasium racquetball court. Will Roya, 802-878-5007, e-mail wroya@studentpo.emba.uvm.edu; Chris McCoy, e-mail cmccoy@moose.uvm.edu; or Kelvin Sherlock, e-mail ksherloc@moose.uvm.edu.

Montpelier (+44.2620,-072.5662)
Green Mountain Juggling Club. Thursday, 7-9 PM. City Center Building, 89 Main Street, Montpelier, VT 05602. Paul Ohlson, 802-229-0066, 12 N. College Street, Montpelier, VT 05602; or Joff Cowan, 802-223-3489, 1st Avenue, Montpelier, VT 05602.


Charlottesville (+38.0308,-078.4803)
Air Raid Juggling Club. Wednesday, 6-8:45 PM. The McIntire Room, 3rd floor, Jefferson-Madison Library, 3rd and Market Streets. Pat Hunter, 434-293-2534; Mark Nizer, 434-974-9699, e-mail mark@nizer.com.

Fairfax (+38.7796,-077.1620)
Fairfax Jugglers. Thursday, 7:30-10 PM. Key Intermediate School, 6402 Franconia Road, Springfield, VA 22150. Enter parking lot opposite Japonica Street, park on left (west) of building, enter covered entrance and go to end of hall, filled with lockers, to cafeteria. Pete Walker, 703-250-3281, e-mail pwalker800@aol.com, 7801 Willowbrook Road, Fairfax Station, VA 22039; or Barry Sperling, e-mail BSperling@cox.net.

Locust Grove (+38.2990,-077.8370)
Wilderness Jugglers. Monday, 6:30-9 PM. Locust Grove Elementary School, 31230 Constitution Highway, Locust Grove, VA 22508. Summer, at Sweetbriar Park in Lake of the Woods. Dave Critchfield, 540-972-1503, e-mail djuggler@interserf.net, HC 73, Box 733A, Locust Grove, VA 22508; or John Jones, 540-786-9732.

Norfolk (+36.9447,-076.2909)
USS John C. Stennis Juggling and Clown Club. Usually in the afternoon, but varies, is posted in the ship's Plan of the Day. Meetings on board, underway, and anywhere duty calls. Usually in the ship's library, and open to all personnel. EM2 John D. Hart, RX/RE, j-dial 6440, 5577, or 6425, 804-855-0132, e-mail hartfam@norfolk.infi.net, 1351 Andes Court, Norfolk, VA 23502; or MMSC(SW) Brian McClain, RXDC.

Norfolk (+36.8997,-076.3050)
Juggler's Vein. Last Saturday monthly. 1231 Manchester Avenue. Steve Kissell, 804-423-6067, 1227 Manchester Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23508.

Richmond (+37.5471,-077.4533)
Virginia Commonwealth University Juggling Club. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 12:30-2 PM, during school year. Lawn in front of Cabell Library. N. Cherry Street, across from the Cabell Library. Paul Hudert, 804-257-5961, e-mail pippi@erols.com, 823 W. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23220.

Stanardsville (+38.300,-078.438)
Central Virginia Jugglers Society. Monday, 6-10 PM. Dave VanDerveer's studio. Call for directions, 804-985-7895.


Pullman (+46.733,-117.162)
Washington State Juggling Club. Time and location vary. David Gerhold, 509-335-3751, WSU, Pullman, WA 99164.

Seattle (+47.6215,-122.3496)
Cascade Jugglers. Saturday, 3-6 PM, good weather, by the fountain at Seattle Center. Call for other times and places, which change frequently. E-mail info@cascadejugglers.org. Dick Curtiss, 206-784-8018, e-mail DCurtiss@compuserve.com, 844 NW 54th Street, Seattle, WA 98107; Travis Bear, 206-235-1804; or John Vert, 206-285-4151 (h), 206-936-7061 (o), e-mail jvert@microsoft.com.

West Virginia


Eau Claire (+44.7986,-091.4992)
The High and Mighty Jugglers. Sunday and Thursday, 5-7 PM. Campus mall, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. In bad weather, call campus information, 715-836-2637, for location. The High and Mighty Jugglers, 132 Davies Center, University of WI-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54702. Josh Kavanagh, 715-832-5450, e-mail kavanajn@uwec.edu; or University Recreation, 715-836-5732.

La Crosse (+43.8131,-091.2445)
Coulee Region Jugglers. Wednesday, 8:15-10 PM. The La Crosse Salvation Army, 223 N. 8th Street. Paul Halter, 608-788-8427, e-mail paulha@lax.net, 3013 Cliffside Drive, La Crosse, WI 54601.

Madison (+43.0754,-089.4016)
Madison Area Jugglers. Sunday, 2:30-6 PM, and Thursday, 6:30-9 PM. In good weather, in front of the Memorial Union or in the Union Great Hall or Tripp Commons. In bad weather, meet in Mill's Concert Hall in the Humanities Building. Melonhead, 608-233-2251, 2405 Kendall Avenue, Madison, WI 53705; or Warren Koepp, e-mail mathwk@etsuodt.etsu.edu.



Alberta             Newfoundland        Pr. Edward I.
Brit. Col.          Northwest Ter.      Quebec
Manitoba            Nova Scotia         Saskatchewan
New Brunswick       Ontario             Yukon


Edmonton (+53.400,-113.500)
Edmonton Juggling Club. Wednesday 7-9:30 PM, City Hall. Marissa Kochanski, 403-444-8323; or Tom Harke, e-mail harkster@worldgate.edmonton.ab.ca.

Edmonton (+53.545,-113.489)
The Real University of Alberta Jugglers Club. Friday, 2-5 PM, when University is in session. In the quad, University of Alberta (weather permitting), or in the Butterdome. Josh Eulert, 403-433-0488, e-mail jeulert@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca.

Brit. Col.

Hornby Island (+49.517,-124.700)
The Joe King Jugglers. Meet Thursday 4 PM at Joe King Park. Ian Palmer or Greg Wesson; General Delivery; Hornby Island, BC V0R 1Z0; 604-335-0669.

Vancouver (+49.316,-123.079)
University of British Columbia Juggling Club. Monday, Thursday, often other weekdays, 12:30 PM. Student Recreation Centre. Richard Dearden, 604-222-1081, e-mail dearden@cs.ubc.ca, 4233 W. 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6R 2P8; or Iain Duncan, 604-736-7265.

Vancouver (+49.316,-123.079)
Thursday, 7-9 PM. Creo, in Burnaby. Richard Dearden, 604-222-1081, e-mail dearden@cs.ubc.ca, 4233 W. 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6R 2P8.

Vancouver (+49.286,-123.049)
Thursday, 7:30-9:30 PM. Bayview Community School, Collingwood Street, just two blocks north of West Broadway, Kitsilano (near Vancouver). Downstairs in the gym. About $2-$4 per session. Byron Bertram, 604-324-2931, 267 E 40th, Vancouver, BC V5W 1L7; or Richard Dearden, 604-222-1081, e-mail dearden@cs.ubc.ca, 4233 W. 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6R 2P8.

Victoria (+48.429,-123.364)
University of Victoria Juggling Club. Monday and Thursday, 6-7:30 PM, from Sept to April. For more information, call Chris Lamb, 604-598-4206, or e-mail clamb@sirius.uvic.ca.

Victoria (+48.467,-123.317)
The Victoria Y "Just-About" Juggling Club. Meet Thursday, Sept. 17 to June 17, 8-10 PM, Victoria YM-YWCA, 880 Courtney Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1C4. Tim Majacha 604-386-7511.


Brandon (+49.850,-099.950)
Brandon Juggling Club. Sunday 3 PM, Brandon University Gym Mezzanine. Roy Norris, 204-728-0812.

Winnipeg (+49.899,-097.140)
Winnipeg Juggling Club. Sunday, 10 AM to noon; Thursday, 7-9 PM. September to May, in the Robert A. Steen Community Centre at 970 Palmerston Avenue. June to August (Sunday only), in Assiniboine Park on the west side of the Pavilion. E-mail juggler@winnipeg.juggler.mb.ca. Ed Vorst, 204-786-3391, e-mail vorste@hotmail.com, 1-40 Fawcett Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3G 0Y6; or Myron Pauls, 204-775-1402.

New Brunswick


Northwest Ter.

Nova Scotia

Halifax (+44.648,-063.575)
The Bluenose Jugglers. Saturday, 3:30-5 PM. YMCA, 1565 South Park Street, 902-423-9622. Often meets informally on other night's at the Dalplex at Dalhousie University. Christopher Majka, 902-425-3725, e-mail aa051@cfn.cs.dal.ca, 1171 Waterloo Street, Halifax, NS B3H 3L6; or Norman Schneiderman, 902-477-0906 (h), 902-477-0960 (o), e-mail nnn@chebucto.ns.ca, Box 382 Station M, Halifax, NS B3J 2P8.


Hamilton (+43.250,-079.833)
McMaster University Juggling Club. Monday, 5:30-7:30 PM. Room 111, Gilmour Hall, next to Mill's Memorial Library. Melinda Paas, e-mail paasm@McMaster.ca.

Kingston (+44.231,-076.480)
Queen's University Juggling Club. Tuesday, 7-9 PM. Lower Ceilidh of the John Deutsch University Centre (JDUC). E-mail juggling@www.ams.queensu.ca. Paul Eskerod, 613-544-5567, 253 Eunice Drive, Kingston, Ontario K7M 3M7; or Serge Mister, e-mail 3sjmm@qlink.queensu.ca.

London (+42.988,-081.234)
University of Western Ontario Jugglers Club. Sunday, 6:30-9:30 (8-10?) PM. Alumni Hall, Gymnastics Room 15. Steve Seguin, 519-434-7486. 105 Cherryhill Boulevard #1010, London, Ontario N6H 2L7.

Ottawa (+45.440,-075.695)
Jugglers Jam. Thursday, 7-10 PM. Room 202, Jack Purcell Community Centre, 320 Elgin Street (at Lewis Avenue), about a mile south of Parliament Hill. $2. Gita Keswani, e-mail gita_keswani@inet.hwc.ca; or Ken Wilson, 613-731-5951, e-mail ken.wilson@ns.ccai.com, 2215 Courtice Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1H 7G5.

Sudbury (+46.458,-080.967)
Laurentian University Juggling Club. Thursday, 5:30-7:30, during school year. Canisius Hall, University of Sudbury Building, Laurentian University. Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario P3E 2C6. Mike Fell, 519-742-0056, e-mail s7602126@nickel.laurentian.ca.

Waterloo (+43.460,-080.490)
University of Waterloo Juggling Club. Wednesday, 5-7 PM. Blue Activity Area, Physical Activity Center, University of Waterloo campus. Michael Crawford, 519-888-4567 x6604 (o), 519-837-8738 (h), e-mail mgacrawford@jeeves.uwaterloo.ca, 177 Dublin Street N., Guelph, ON, Canada N1H 4P1.

Pr. Edward I.


Montreal (+45.509,-073.554)
Les Jongleurs Associes du Quebec. June through August: Sunday, noon-5 PM; Wednesday, 6-9 PM. Northwest end of Parc Lafontaine near the statue of Felix Leclerc. METRO (subway) Sherbrooke, bus #24, 14, or 29. September through May: Sunday, noon-4 PM; gym, 4265 Papineau, Centre Immaculee Conception, Salle Canadienne, $5 gym fee. METRO Papineau, bus #45. Wednesday, 6-9 PM; 420 St. Paul Street East, 2nd floor (ring for admission), $2 gym fee. Serge Trempe, 514-461-1918, 252 J.C. Michaud, St. Basile-Le-Grand, Quebec J3N 1E3; or Don Lewis, 514-482-4123, 514-931-8731x1429, e-mail dlewis@dawsoncollege.qc.ca.


Saskatoon (+52.130,-106.660)
Pastafarian Jugglers. Sunday, noon-5 PM. Winter in School for the Performing Arts, 141 105th St. W. Other seasons at Kiwanis Park, Spadina Crescent & 20th St., South of the Bessborough Hotel. Bob Palmer; 514 Bowman Ln.; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7L 6P8; 306-382-8985.


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