Check out the Juggling Information
Service which contains in the
Action Snapshots section this
Here are my personal accounts of the 1997 IJA Juggling Festival in Pittsburgh, 1996 European Juggling Convention in Grenoble and the 1995 IJA Festival in Las Vegas.
Since Ronald Regan was elected President in 1980, the number of Americans in prison has tripled, and the number of Californians has gone up by a factor of seven! This post about a visit to Vacaville prison to teach juggling generated more positive e-mail than anything else I have ever posted, and was reprinted in Two Ply Press.
Rec.juggling has a Welcome and a FAQ. However, some questions are too frequent and too annoying to be answered by the FAQ alone. Here are a few of them: The rec.juggling MAQ. One item from the MAQ that should be covered in more detail. Here's the truth about site swaps. What do you mean, it's not the truth? CMJ New Music Monthly believes it!
The next post was described by Hunnk-Ra as "a vicious and pornographic personal attack", but I prefer to I call it The Case of the Unlucky Numbers.
Somebody once asked, "Why do you juggle?"This post, as well as the previous one, was re-posted to
Site swaps have been around for longer than we thought, as is shown in this illustration.
Crooks and Cucumbers is a short story I wrote. It was published in Jugglers World. A classic literary reference can to juggling can be found in The Rime of the Ancient Juggler. While on historical subjects, here is the Complete History of Juggling, and a retrospective of 1995 (written at the end of 1994).
Should you be interested in more poetry, here's a little ditty I penned called The Jugglers' ABC.
Finally all the heckler lines I know, the inside scoop on high energy juggling, and my .sig file's home page.