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Jewish Occasions to Juggle
"It's a big mitzvah to be happy all the time"
-Rabbi Nachman of Breslav
And juggling can help provide this mitzvah to spectators since people
invariably enjoy juggling acts. We, in turn, get joy from showing off our
talents and making money from our hobby.
Below are some Jewish occasions and Simachot (joyous occasions) specifically
appropriate for merrymaking in the form of a juggling performance:
Purim- Jewish holiday celebrating the victory of the Jews of
Persia over the wicked Haman. The holiday is celebrated with great joy,
costumes, and dancing.
Weddings- At a Jewish wedding, it is considered an obligation for
guests to make the bride and groom happy. After some dancing, the bride and
groom are seated and the guests amuse them with dancing, juggling, and
general merrymaking. See the wedding scene in Fiddler on the Roof an example
of bottle dancers entertaining.
Bar Mitzvahs- Another happy occasion where jugglers are often